Picked up another 1st gen Cummins


You're either making some good money with that hoss, or you're just a hell of a good friend to have! Either way looks like you're having fun and seeing the country. Keep the updates coming, I've never been to MN, so....let's go.


Well, I'm on winter layoff right now so these trips get me out of the house. I'm not paying the fuel and my buddy treats me right on parts.

Anywho we got back from our trip last night about 9pm. we left friday morning at 1am and headed south to KC then made a stop in St Louis to drop a few parts Then it was off to Terra Haute to meet up with a friend and drop off 3 205 t cases. After that we got fuel and a bite in Brazil IN. We were then set on gettin to Fostoria OH to drop some 4bt coversion parts. We made it there got the parts dropped off and then we went back to Findlay OH to get a room. The next morning we set out for Stryker OH to drop off 6.7 Cummins blocks and whatnot and to pilfer some parts off of some 1stgens that donated there motors for swaps. After BS for a few hours we set out for Muskegan Michigan To drop a bell off and to grab a few parts. I ended up snagging a clean door panel for the 90 and a nice fan shroud for the dually. We then set out for the long ride to Russel MN. We skirted the Lake on the way down Michgan and wsh we could've made this part of the trip during the day, I really wanted to see one of the great lakes. Any who we stopped and fueled in Gary Indiana and the tk ff for the fun ride through Chicago. We made it through there and The interstate around Joliet had been redone since I was through there last. about 20 mile later I noticed I had no running lights in the rear so we pulled off and started diagnosing the problem after some cussng and frozen fingers we found a broken wire, we fixed it and were off again. We peeled off of 80 and took 39 towards Rockford ILL and then into Wisconsin. While I was rollin through WI at mile post 100 on I90 the dually hit a big milestone, We finally hit 400,000. Anyway after a miserable fuel stop in ST Charles MN we were on the road again to Russell. We got to Russel MN around 10am and I started pulling the seats out of a parts cab, yep I finally found a set of Spice buckets and console in decent shape for the dually, I also snagged the fuse box cover too. After bsing about trucks and parts we decided to head for home by way of Sioux Falls.

Ended up driving through 10 states and put 2400 miles on the truck.














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Diesel Head
This is a pretty fun thread. makes me miss being on the road hauling livestock thru the western states. I'll tell ya one thing though...I DO NOT miss the cold, snow, and ice!! Blech!!!

Rot Box

Holy smokes you're racking up the miles lately. That's a long trek sounds like a good time. Cool pics btw :Wow1:

I'd say your truck is about done for at 400,000K. Why don't you bring it out here to Utah and I'll put it to rest for ya :coffeedrink:


Well Rot, it is gonna need some big maintenece stuff in the near future. In the near future its gettin a headgasket and were gonna prep an nv4500 for it


on another note i got the seats installed that I picked up in Minnesota. This was the last piece of the interior puzzle that I needed, been looking for a set of these since I bought the truck.



When got it.


Next up is carpet after the NV4500 swap.

I also talked to a local upholstry shop yesterday about fixing a few minor things on the drivers seat


Welp had a decent day in the 50s today so We stuck some newish Pioneer 3 way 6x9s in the doors of the dually. They sound so much better than the Pioneer 6" 4 ways


Diesel Head
Looks really good man! Especially the seat improvement. Looks like it will be much more friendly for those long haul trips you have been making.


Here's a small update, Just put some better tires on the rear this weekend as the old Kuhmo's were started to get real thin. Put on Some second hand Yoko geolander HT's' I picked up off a buddy. I also had a buddy cut down a bearing retainer for the 4500 swap that will be happening very shortly.




Just went through all the pages and I have a request....

Please, Please, Please install the front fender door guard *behind the tire). I looked at your great staging on your pictures, I love the lightning strike (good nickname?) and that small piece of plastic totally detracts from the symmetry of the truck. I looked back and forth between the other nice two tones that you posed with and I have to say that my eye was continuily drawn back to your "odd" front fender.

I really like the truck though, there is a 1st gen Dodge with service body that mirrors my F250 locally and I always look it over when I spy it in town and I have to say that the front seats are far and above Ford's or GM's. Plus why add 2 cylinders when 6 is more than enough!!

Very nice truck, please take my request as a kind one!!

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