Hello, I'm new here and have been lurking for a few days. I am currently building a 4x4 van. This will be my second 4x4 van so I have already pounded through the learning curve. I found a low milage 84 Dodge B350 MaxiWagon to start with this time. It's pretty strait (one damaged side door) and no cancer. I have already aquired just about everything for my conversion and am switching over to a manual driveline. So far I have removed the interior and am getting close to installing all new 2" rigid insulation. The floor is being raised 2 inches for insulation as well. I have also begun work on a full length rack for the top, well almost full length, it's only about 13-1/2 feet long and just over 5 foot wide. I'll save all the specs and fantasies about 20,000 lb PTO winches front and rear for another post.....
I have purchased paint (ultra dark almost black - green) and should have it painted before winter. as you can see in the pictures I have a good welding crew. I just need them to start wearing shoes before OSHA gives me a citation.
I really miss having a full size go anywhere van. This will probably be my last build of this type so I plan to not cut any corners. This will be the go the woods and get away from civilazation machine I will finish raising my boys with so it will be solid and overbuilt. when I get to making signifigant progress I'll start a detailed build thread. for now I'm just having fun bending and welding up some tubing