pistol decision - 9mm


I used to have a Ruger P89 9mm, and it was kinda crude and clunky. The slide rattled in the frame, which was not cool. The Springfield and Glock are much better made, more accurate and nicer to shoot, in my opinion.

I personally do not like the ruger line of pistols. To clunky and not a very comfortable fit in my hands. I would say Taurus but honestly if your gonna go Taurus jump to the 40cal.

9mm hands down goes to the Beretta Para (?) as far as feel, accuracy, and mechanical. I have not felt a pistol that smooth ever. Unfortunately I do not own it but I am gonna find one!!!

Have you guys looked closely/held the SR9/SR9c?

It is a whole different pistol than the "P" series.

I have had a glock and sold it, had an XD and sold it, like the SR9c, but don't have a use for it. They are all great weapons. I don't like the grip angle of the glock, but you get used to it. I have another XD now, but don't shoot it.

My vote is for the Walther P99....but I really don't think you can go wrong with the choices listed.


The nine is just fine! :sombrero: I carry a kel-tec PF9, and my brother has a Taurus slim in 9. I like the Taurus slim better at the range, the trigger is more my liking, and it has a manual safety. The kel-tec has a long but rather crisp trigger (to keep it rather safe without a manual safety), guns and ammo magazine claims the PF9 to be the most accurate of pocket pistoles, but I shoot the slim better, as the kel-tec PF9 takes a lot of trigger focus to group well. I can conceal the PF9 better however, and really a single stack 9 is all I will ever conceal carry unless it involves a parka that I will not be taking off...
I have a .357 sig, FN 5.7, and a 10mm, but they are all just niche pistols, my collection of 9 mils is the real arm the neighborhood for the apocalypse platform. Really, you need not buy any other pistol caliber other then 9mm unless you wish to shoot a bear with .454 casull, or shoot through cars with 10mm, ether way here is a good source for performance ammo


I've owned ~20 different models (Sig/XD/Ruger/KelTec/Taurus). What I haven't owned, I've shot (friends/rentals/etc...)

I've sold them all but my Glock 17 & 19.

My advise...
Glock 19, then shoot, shoot, shoot. Repeat weekly. :victory:
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OverCamping Specialist
I love my pair :D
I need to get out and shoot again.



Thanks for the replies, there's a lot of good info here.

I like what I read about the Glock 26. Both the mrs and I have small hands, combined with my other preferences, lends us to a smaller frame pistol. It's also cool that it fits the larger cap magazines (including the 33 rnds :Wow1:)

Looks like I need to go to a local range that rents loaners.


Just here...
Look at a CZ before you decide. The Glock has a good rep.

Once he looks at a CZ, he wont look at anything else. Once youve picked up a CZ SP-01 Phantom, all the rest will fall off the radar screen. The grip of the CZ 75 (which is an improvement on the already great Browning Hi Power = heaven) and very light weight. Theyre a little harder to find but try and search out a CZ dealer. You wont be sorry.


Capitan rally fluffer
You will be fine with the SR9(small hands). I have one post recall and have approximately 4000 rounds through it with only a single fte (squib). I would buy it again, and plan to get the compact version for carry. If you have questions, let me know.

Also if you shoot a 1911 well you will do well with the SR9. The ergonomics are very similar. If you don't, look at the glock. It is very different, I have a difficult time switching as the hand position necessitates rolling the wrist down and forward to establish an acceptable sight. I find the M&P and the XD to be somewhere in the middle.


I have and carry a Springfield XD45C and love it, it's my favorite firearm to-date. The Springfield XD9's had a roll-ping breakage issue so make sure you get a late 2010 or 2011 manufactured gun if you decide on it. Very reliable gun, one of the only models to have zero failures of any kind on the 2000 round torture tests.

The Glock is the standard by which all guns are judged these days but the grips are just a bit too uncomfortable for my liking, they just don't fit naturally and I don't get instant sight alignment like I do on the XD. Also a very reliable gun and had only a magazine related failure to fire on the 2000 round torture tests.

The Ruger is getting good reviews these days but I purchased one, had several FTFs within 300 rounds, swapped it for another and had more FTFs. I personally just can't trust a gun I intent to carry to possible save my life when it fails to fire so many times while breaking it in. Other people haven't had these issues, just my experiences.

My vote is the XD as long as it's a newer model, and the Compact series which comes with an extended magazine is very nice for target shooting.


Capitan rally fluffer
I have and carry a Springfield XD45C and love it, it's my favorite firearm to-date. The Springfield XD9's had a roll-ping breakage issue so make sure you get a late 2010 or 2011 manufactured gun if you decide on it. Very reliable gun, one of the only models to have zero failures of any kind on the 2000 round torture tests.

The Glock is the standard by which all guns are judged these days but the grips are just a bit too uncomfortable for my liking, they just don't fit naturally and I don't get instant sight alignment like I do on the XD. Also a very reliable gun and had only a magazine related failure to fire on the 2000 round torture tests.

The Ruger is getting good reviews these days but I purchased one, had several FTFs within 300 rounds, swapped it for another and had more FTFs. I personally just can't trust a gun I intent to carry to possible save my life when it fails to fire so many times while breaking it in. Other people haven't had these issues, just my experiences.

My vote is the XD as long as it's a newer model, and the Compact series which comes with an extended magazine is very nice for target shooting.
It sounds like your experience was different than most. This torture test of the SR9 seems to be pretty favorable: http://www.uspsa.us/showthread.php?t=67

I like shooting all things that go bang. And I do like products designed and manufactured in the US. Especially when they are priced copetitively. The SR9 is both.

OP: Either way, go to a range that rents, and find what works for you best. That is really the best way to find what works for you best


I just bought an SR9 and all I can say is every one of the haters who say they are clunky have obviously never picked one up. In fact it was so tight that it wouldn't shoot some lighter hand loads. It was just too tight. Factory ammo has never been an issue though.


I own a Glock 17 and a S&W M&P 9c. To me the Glock grip is not very comfortable and blocky. It's a nice pistol and fun to shoot, but once I picked up the S&W and shot it I was sold. The grip on the S&W is like putting on a old glove that fits your hand perfect. I do not have large hands, but using the 3 different backstraps I found the perfect fit. I have put several hundreds of rounds down range thru the S&W during one session and had no fatigue. After shooting the Glock my wrist will start to ache a bit due to the angle of the grip I think. The S&W is a good conceal carry as well. I wear shorts, loose t-shirts and it hides well.

As some said before go and pick them up and shoot them if you can, it's the only way to know for sure what works for you.

I dry fired the Ruger when it first came out. Horrible trigger. Not impressed with the S&W M&P's trigger either.

Spend some time on Grant Cunningham's website: www.grantcunningham.com

He's a clockmaker turned revolversmith, probably the best guy still alive for tuning Colt Pythons (Now THAT's a trigger that will spoil you!). He has a series of articles on what constitutes a good trigger that's a real eye opener.

For myself, I've got a glock with the 3.5 lb connector and the heavier NY1 trigger spring. Head and shoulders above any non-1911 autoloader I've tried.


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