Not a ton new in terms of design wise going on for me, I'm just running various ideas through my head trying to refine things. I originally was thinking of just using stock 20lb propane tanks for their availability, familiarity, cost, etc. However I'm giving those clear view fiberglass propane tanks some more thought now, I didn't realize they were translucent at first and just though folks were talking about them for the weight savings only. Which wasn't justifiable for the cost in my mind, however seeing how much propane you have visually is pretty nice.
I got my test supplies in last week and got my first taste of working with epoxy and foam board to make up some core sample pieces, so far so good. Hopefully this weekend I'll get time to layup the fiberglass fabric layers over them to see how I feel about that work. Additionally I'm trying out two different fabric weaves to see how they lay up and each test pieces has a variety of different radius corners. Overall this should give me a good representation of what each fabric is capable of in terms of layup. I can then take that information forward in how the shell is designed.
From there I'll do an interior mockup to see how it really feels spacially, I'll probably utilize cardboard as much as possible to save time/cost/waste.