Pop-Up Camper - Custom Build (scratch built) Oasis-Si


I think I need a bigger truck!
Did some more work a couple of days before my hand surgery. After cutting off the wood sides, I needed to re-structure the sides. I ripped up some nice solid Douglas Fir and filled in the gaps where the insulation was now exposed. I used a router to trim the foam out and set the wood in 3/4 x 3/4 leaving a little to trim off. Man trimming that foam with the router made fast work... but a HUGE mess. lol


This is after I cleaned it up.


All of the new wood was installed with Sika construction adhesive and some pin nails to hold it until the adhesive dried. Tedious but worked well.



This is after all the wood was installed and is ready for a final flush trim before I install the aluminum... again with a LOT of Sika and this time 3/4" stainless screws. Lots of counter sunk holes to drill now!!



Test fit the aluminum in placed. This will look a lot nicer and more finished.



I think I need a bigger truck!
Just got the call... Fabric is done, and being dropped off tomorrow. Sadly, I have been hard down with this stupid finger surgery for the past 2 weeks, so no work has been done. Camper is still in pieces... ugh. I am probably 4 days worth of work away from installing the fabric. But that 4 days will take me 3 weeks.

Oh well, every step forward is a step forward. Planning on some local camping this year with my son, he has been expressing more interest in hanging out with dad so that is good.

So close now. Will share a pic as soon as it is delivered tomorrow.


I think I need a bigger truck!
After thinking about it for 2 years, the fabric is here. Window covers, rear awning and camper pop-up sides. Looks great, really nice job. I have all the aluminum and screws in hand to install it now too so all that is needed is... well, the doing. Should be back at it this week, hand is 'good enough' to run power tools again with some level of precision lol. :unsure:

Pics as soon as I remember to take pics of it! heh


Well-known member
Awesome, you are getting so close to having it usable. I hope the hand holds up for you.

Yes do get a lot of pic's showing how you are attaching it to the camper and to the roof.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Well now... it has been a while since I updated this post. I must admit, I have put this project on the back burner more than it ever was on the front burner...heh. Life continually finds a way to get in the way of all of my fun. Having said that, I have made some additional progress, and am soooo close to getting this serviceable that I can almost taste it. I still might get in a weekend or two out this year. heh

First off, lets start with my hand... its still a mess. I have about 80-90% use, but it still hurts. My other hand is due to get cut soon too. The cortisone shot wore off and I am back to clicking and locking on my right again, and worse than ever. This all has definitely held me back some the past year (pain).

Now for the cool updates (pic heavy). I started by cleaning up all the roof edges with an angle grinder and some 80 grit disks... and a square of course. I then started cutting up all my aluminum L angle to length, and prepared to make the rounded corners. NEVER ever make a camper with rounded corners (you have been warned). It sucks on so many levels, and added so much effort. Ugh = Lesson Learned. Next time, chine'd corners = For The Win.


CAD in full effect (Cardboard Aided Design)


Measure 11 times, cut once.


Bend with just the right amount of force to ruin it if it goes wrong (and use a rubber mallet to 'convince' it to take the shape you want.


After all the side trim was cut and shaped I started adding the 1 x 1 aluminum bracing. This is for 2 reasons; 1) to strengthen the roof sides where all the lifting happens and 2) to allow me to add the things for all the lifting to happen with! This is after, and the gas struts are re-installed.


I also started forming the aluminum strips to hold the fabric on with... the clamps are holding it on.


Trim and sides installed... oh and I put all this on with like 4 tubes of Sika Construction Adhesive... so it is never coming off and it should never leak.


Struts re-mounted and SUPER strong.


Here I am making more bends in perfectly good aluminum. Bah


Nice detail shot of the roof edge trim finishing and the roof clasp mounts.


And finally after cleaning up all the squeeze out (Sika) and ensuring a complete caulked seam between varnished wood and aluminum, I installed a 'D' shaped rubber gasket. It seals so well... I am confident that this will not ever get air or water under there. The old roof design was NOT going to keep either out, and that was just not going to work. This works perfectly... though I am a 'little' concerned about pooling on the roof top with the 1/16" lip.

More to come...


I think I need a bigger truck!
Might as well upload the rest of the pics I have on hand, while I am here. heh

I have been picking away at a few other things as well as the roof work. Some small interior tweaks and some electrical. The marker light wiring on the roof edges was NFG when I wired them in, and I had hoped I could save it when I pulled the sides off. Alas I couldn't see anything wrong still, so ,my only guess is a ground came off inside the roof when my buddy 'dropped it' when he was testing it by himself. The worked before, and not after... so we will go with that. No biggee, just frustrating.

I milled up some of the remaining 1 x 1" aluminum I had lying around, and made these. These are simple 'penny' LED marker lights I sourced locally from Princess Auto. I used them on my CDN M101 build and they are small, cheap, water proof and BRIGHT. Good combo, so I used them again. I went with the standard 5 light setup front and rear with orange and red. They worked out awesome and look great on the bench. Can't wait to get them installed.


Love me a good sharp stepped drill bit for 3/4" holes in aluminum.


I wired them up all together, soldered them and put 3 layers of shrink wrap to seal out the water getting in. They will be drilled through the side and sealed with Sika water tight.



Oh yeah, and my fridge mount... or lack thereof was not working out and the design I originally had... sucked. So I cut up some aluminum L angle I had and captured the fridge base on 3 sides in that. It is effectively trapped in there, and cannot move more than about 1/8 of an inch up. Worked out great.


Not sure if I shared the switch panel I added (along with another blue sea fuse block) for external side lights, the water pump and an under counter LED.


Under counter LED is a little LED 5 or 6 LED light I have had lying around for years, since the trailer build. Worked great to add a little task lighting to my little task counter.



Last but not least, curtains were installed. I had these made along with the rear awning and the pop up sides. The are simple snap in place curtains, and when they are in place it is dark in there... they work awesome. With the roof down and the rubber seal in place... and the curtains closed, it is a little spooky. Super quiet and dark, make for a good night sleep of stealthy top down camping. heh



Next up, top install. I have a couple little things to work out, but should have it in by the end of next weekend! WIN!!


I think I need a bigger truck!
Life is all about setbacks isn't it? Well, I managed to stumble into another (medical) one, and this seems to have foiled my plans to get this stupid camper finished this month. :( Time will tell...

I have been down and out since last Saturday, with the majority of that time spent in the hospital. First time in an ambulance, first time in a hospital and with an IV... a lot of firsts. ER Nurse was a bit shocked that I do not take any meds, and basically 100% healthy and have never been sick enough to need any high levels of care in all my 52 years. lol My number came up I guess?

Should be back at it soon, just need a few weeks to recover. So yeah... I was ready to install the fabric this past Sunday, but was knocked out in the hospital instead.

Maybe I can camp in this thing next year? heh


Good lord, the attention to detail on this build is absolutely unreal.
Great work Greg, can't wait to see more pics when you are doing better healthwise.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Good lord, the attention to detail on this build is absolutely unreal.
Great work Greg, can't wait to see more pics when you are doing better healthwise.
Thanks Andrew... I appreciate your kind words. It has taken me about 2 years longer than I had hoped for (and counting), but in all honesty the amount of stuff I had to rip out and re-do sort of took the wind out of my sails That as well as a year off for some family stuff (Dad was sick... like really sick). Now me... heh. Life keeps getting int he way of my plans.

The crappy part, I am like 3 days worth of work away from camping in it. I have 100% of the stuff to do it, and everything (all systems) are ready to go. Water, hot water, electrical, fridge etc. I even have the fabric ready to install. And then I found a bubble in the roof top fiberglass... after I just re-did the sides. lol. Going to cut it out and patch it. Tried to inject epoxy into it, and was partially successful. Maybe I will just rock it as is for now with a strip of Eternabond on it? lol

Hoping to get back at it ASAP. Getting back close to 100% again. I do NOT recommend a pulmonary embolism... ever.


Well-known member
Incredible build and sorry for asking if you've already posted an answer, but what size pneumatic struts and weight? Also how are they working out? I need a bit of advice on my build. I need to decide whether to clam shell hinge (easier) or full push up like yours (more room). Any chance you could post a video of it opening? Thanks!


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