Portrait Shots (show us your best)

Did I ever share this one of my wife when she was 8.5 months preggers with our newest daughter?

Back light was a fluorescent work lamp, the front light was a 500 watt halogen. The background was actually a purple blanket that I was able to recolor yellow in Lightroom. No strobes. It took probably 30 frames to get the settings correct and a small amount of post processing.

Here's another favorite. Found this one in my files from a motorcycle trip down into the Sierra Madres of Mexico. This gentleman was near the hamlet of Cienga del Toro in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Mind you, he was walking between two villages separated by several miles...
The photo was taken with a waterproof Olympus P&S camera that i string around my neck on moto rides.


Expedition Leader
Did I ever share this one of my wife when she was 8.5 months preggers with our newest daughter?

Back light was a fluorescent work lamp, the front light was a 500 watt halogen. The background was actually a purple blanket that I was able to recolor yellow in Lightroom. No strobes. It took probably 30 frames to get the settings correct and a small amount of post processing.

Awesome. I took one of my wife way back when before I even knew there were things to know about such things. Mine did not turn out near as well as yours. I don't think I even kept the negatives.


Photographer in the Wild
Love the second and third shots Clark
Scott, that is quite the maternity pic IMO. Def a strong fem feel to it. I wished I had thought of something that cool with my wifes maternity pics. Mine were all lame as heck


Photographer in the Wild
Was purposely trying to catch the sun but the flare ended up a bit off of where I had wanted it. Oh well!
Love the second and third shots Clark
Scott, that is quite the maternity pic IMO. Def a strong fem feel to it. I wished I had thought of something that cool with my wifes maternity pics. Mine were all lame as heck

Thanks guys.

The story behind the pic is nice enough too... She was trying to be a role model to several of our friends who were pregnant at the same time (or planning to be soon.) She maintained a healthy weight during the pregnancy via healthy diet and maintaining a fair level of activity. She never had any diet related issues.

She also popped the baby out naturally. She's a big proponent of natural delivery as there are many proven benefits to mom and baby.

Women can do it!

Another shot from that session:

Here's another of big boss and little boss.
Took this one yesterday.... This was the best composure, but the focus is off or she was blurred because of the movement. Shame, but hard to see the display screen in the sun to review...

Yes she was reading and hula hooping!!
These folks are becoming frequent customers! They're definitely a fun and easy bunch too, I love working with them.



Not the best pic (my fault), but they're a Toyota family!

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