Yes, Jerry@Tembotusk reposted my post yesterday.
Thanks, one kink to fix, and it should be really nice.
I think if I had another slide coming out sideways that might get complicated.
t is about a 15 minute job from reading his PDF file on how to change out the sliding track/rail things, and all I need is another 6.5 to 7" to clear the tail light, and I will be good.
Now I had also planned to stack in two of my Alu-boxes next to the chuckbox, but alas the first aid kit is in the way.
When you close the door the first aid kit comes in quite aways.
I can pack other camping equipment there, and put the boxes where I did before, right next to the two tables that are strapped to my fridge.
Now if I can relocate the first aid kit and its quick release mounting plate elsewhere, I will.
I kind of like the idea of having the two boxes stacked next to the chuckbox.
FJ Cruisers fill up so fast