Post your tents


Our big set up. Fully flyed/vestibule, 2 room tent, and screened kitchen tent. It takes about 30 - 40 minutes to set up, so not perfect for one nighters. Also have a quest 3 season and a spalding 4 season. Although they were my main backpacking tents, they still come in handy for quick pitch one nighters.




красный октябрь

I have several, but two get most of the use. We have four kids so when the family expedition sets off, we need a big base camp, when the wife is along, its rarely very extreme, so this big Eureka (not very well made honestly, but huge, and has stood up to a lot of kids banging in and out for four years now...)


This is the one I use when Im alone, or if the oldest kid tags along, its a North Face I bought 8 years ago, pitches quick, is totally durable, and the vestibule rocks for throwing gear into at night. Its small enough to throw on any of my motorcycles, (obviously I packed it onto the 996) and the only complaint I have is I cant sit up straight in it. The next two person I get will be a bit higher for just that reason.


Were soon in the market for a better family tent, something like a trail head, or Hobitat. It has to have seperate rooms, I dont like sleeping in the sand and crap the kids drag into their space. I was quite interested by the North Face Docking station... so we'll see.


Expedition Leader
My ex Big Agnes Seedhouse SL in Morterro Wash.


My current Nemo Nano somewhere in Connecticut.


The Nano is a much better tent for New England use. The Seedhouse' rain fly would be stuck to the tent body after a semi damp night. It was also very drafty. The Nano is just about bomb proof, perfect for the New England climate. It is a little weird though as the poles go inside the tent. All in all it's a great tent with plenty of room inside.

This coming summer I would like to try a hammock. From what I have read they seem to be the perfect solution for my needs. I do like tents and all but I have a severe dislike for rocks in my back.


Expedition Leader
Alps Mountaineering.

Huge model, for the family camping. 10x16, 6' at the tall point.

Great tent, has a divider so we can put the kid to bed and not wake her up when we crawl in. Has room for us on a queen size bed, plus all our stuff, plus the dog and hs bed. Has 3 doors so its pretty versitle to set up at different spots.
Lots of venting, the top is mostly mesh, Decent rain fly, got a little over an inch of rain last time we went out and it had a couple small puddles.

We have their 4 man modle for when its just the two of us.


Need For Speed

Supporting Sponsor
Does that have a floor?
I am looking for a tent,I want one that does not use 6 fiberglass poles that clip together.
I like your tent.

does not have a floor at the moment. I am looking for a old GI canvas tarp to cut for a floor...

Only one center pole (telescoping) fairly quick set up. about 16x16 hex with 8.5 ft center height- with a small stove it is the cats meow



AutoHome Maggiolina AirLander size medium.
Bought brand new March of 2008.

What do I think of it?
It is the cats meow.
Not a complaint, I dig this tent.
Sleeping up on the roof is much nicer IMO than sleeping on the ground.



No, the small picnic table is not for sale :D


Oh gosh, I can hardly wait, vacation starts next week.
Fresh pics :sombrero:

Is that the trekker changing/shower shelter? If so how do you like it and how long did it take you to figure out how to get it back in the bag?

Steve UK

What a great picture, how did you get it. I have never had much success getting stars in the picture?


let's see, from top to bottom there's:
Mojave Road, CA
Canyon De Chelly, AZ
Canyonlands Maze District, UT
Charouleau Gap Trail near Tucson, AZ

here's another one of the Tent-Cot, from Kingman, AZ:



What a great picture, how did you get it. I have never had much success getting stars in the picture?

that picture was taken right as the last rays of the sun were disappearing.

it's was with a point-n-shoot camera, a panasonic, with a "scene" mode that does a 60 second "night-scene" exposure. when i got the camera it listed that it could do exposure from xx up to 60 seconds, one of the reasons i got it, but turned out it could only manually select a few exposures and then there are a couple "scenes" with longer settings :(

hopefully i can move up to a more manual camera soon as i like doing night stuff and want more control... the new nikon that's similiar to the G11 looks promising as i have no interest in a true DSLR or 4/3's.


I like the open air but still want to keep dry... I've started using the this setup.

it also attaches to the rig if things get nasty but I like the open feeling when it's free standing.

I've been using the Kelty Carport about a year and a half now.


I like the open air but still want to keep dry... I've started using the this setup.

it also attaches to the rig if things get nasty but I like the open feeling when it's free standing.

I've been using the Kelty Carport about a year and a half now.

thats kind of a neat setup. I have never seen that one before!


OverCamping Specialist
What folding table do you have?
I am looking for something to hold the chuckbox without caving in :D

That is a nice setup you have.

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