Thanks guys, I will employ an old trick that works well; wait until it's dark and look with a flashlight. You'd be surprised how much better you can see with no light pollution streaming in.
If any of you are towing with a uhaul and are wondering if the bumper is held on well, don't you worry. Master Blaster, impact gun, plasma cutter, 42 bolts, (no really), and 4 hours later, the bumper is off.
Well, they do have that liability thing to deal with...ROFSheriffHL:
Uhh isn't that rear panel part of the structure of the box? What stops it from wracking now?
Are you keeping the ramp? heavy mother that it is, it would still be useful if you chose to haul a dirt bike for your photo dashes.
Thanks for the review. I appreciate it. Others I have read are similarly pro on the Falkens. Makes sense that the wheel may just be too big for the centrematics to do what you need.
The Harbor Freight bubble balancer has decent reviews if you set it up correctly. Seems like it would be a good place to start then maybe not put so much "pressure" on the centrematics to correct for out of balance. Thanks again!