Just caught up to the end here over the past few days.. Awesome build. Couple things I would like to mention:
1. Centramatics... Must be the best kept secret in the dang world! I just turned 40 (8/26), have been into vehicles and such since I was a kid, and this is the FIRST time I've ever heard of such a device. Really considering them for my "oversized tire" vehicles.
2. That DICOR roof coating says it's not supposed to be used on metal roofs.. did you use some sort of primer/surfacer or other base material? According to their website the CoolCoat is for rubber roofing. I mean, if it works, it works, just wondering if there has been any deterioration or issues with being applied to your metal roof.
3. The stories and pics of the area you reside, really makes me want to move! I was born in SoCal, but was transplanted to SE MO (aka Swamp East Misery) when I was a kid. All anyone does around here for "off roading" is play in the mud (yawn). I have to say that if I were to suddenly become a single man, I'd think hard about moving west.
4. I'm sure no one has to tell you, but great pics!
5. Can't wait to see how the rest of this build goes! Please don't leave us hanging.