Random dog shots


ExPo Original
Nah.... not me. The kids got her last winter.

I just found the pic in my stuff. She's bigger and slightly darker in color now. They named her 'Aspen'.

I remain immune to the charms of canines.


Active member
kcowyo said:
Nah.... not me. The kids got her last winter.

I just found the pic in my stuff. She's bigger and slightly darker in color now. They named her 'Aspen'.

I remain immune to the charms of canines.

So.....What your saying.....your got a new navigator?


Tomas Tierra

New member
"La Pinta" the Baja refuge...didn't declare her at the border, and have never registered her in the US. A true illegal alien


Our Old Girl

Since we brought out daughter home 18 months ago our old girl got alot older a lot quicker. I couldn't ask for a better friend, she's so pretective of my wife and daughter, it makes me proud. We found her on the freeway almost 9 years ago. Put adds in all the local papers but no one claimed her. We had two Akitas prior to her so we knew what we were in for. Shes about 13 now and still very majestic.


She's always does a lot of this..... Hell I cant blame her!!!!!
ll a

Shes still around but father time is catching up to her. Its gonna be hard when she goes.


Wesel123 that's a very special dog you have there. I hope you get a few more years out of her.
Here's a pic of mine when she was getting on in years. RIP
(Chow/Doberman cross but basically a Chow with short hair)
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Spikepretorius said:
Wesel123 that's a very special dog you have there. I hope you get a few more years out of her.
Here's a pic of mine when she was getting on in years. RIP
(Chow/Doberman cross but basically a Chow with short hair)

Thanks for the kind words. Were hoping we can get a few more out of her. But being a former vet tech, the Vet and I have an understanding that when she and I both agree that shes in to much pain from the Arthritis is to much then it will be time. The last thing I want to do is b a selfish *** and have my best friend suffer.

Ahh man Im gonna start crying now......

Tomas Tierra

New member
You won't quit missin them...

I had to put my old boy Rocky down a few years ago and it still messes with me now and again..My two year old son just came this morning with the Miniature Rocky(stuffed toy) and I got all choked up. I swore I could smell that sweet lab smell on the toy.......

R.I.P. Rocky

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Now you guys got me all choked up. I lost my buddy a couple years ago. I never had dogs growing up. Losing my friend after 15 years tore me up. I can't bring myself to get another dog.:( Lots of great memories though.


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