Repair advice? Blown head gasket on 4th Gen 4Runner?


New member
If you're doing this yourself, make sure you beat up Toyota about it. It's the only way they will get behind it eventually...and when the bean counters tell them the public relations boost outweighs the cost of the ones left. I'm guessing 2015.
My last contact with them was yet another firm no. Aside from the mileage, they would not reimburse for costs when the work wasn't done by a Toyota dealership. Yeah. Right. It's not enough I have to pay to replace your faulty head gaskets, I have to pay you to replace your faulty head gaskets.

On a side note, don't forsake getting the heads checked for flatness. It's worth the couple hundred extra bucks given the tolerance for aluminum heads.

Yeah, I'm taking it the heads to a local shop to get checked out. I called him tonight, but he's in Carlisle all weekend, so the project is getting put on hold for a couple of days. He charges a flat rate of $40 per head to check it out (flatness and pressure).


New member
Turns out they were out of spec and needed to be milled. Picking them up this afternoon. Long holiday weekend for me coming up, so hopefully it will be back on the road Tuesday. Crossing my fingers...


Turns out they were out of spec and needed to be milled. Picking them up this afternoon. Long holiday weekend for me coming up, so hopefully it will be back on the road Tuesday. Crossing my fingers...

Interested to hear how it turns out.

My heads were slightly out also and this without any overheating. I ran through the reassembly procedures to ensure nothing was overlooked, down to checking the head bolts for stretch. Crank timing was off on the initial reassembly, popping a code. It runs beautiful now. Engine idles at 550 with nary a jitter of the needle. You'd think it was a Lexus.:ylsmoke:
I'm still checking the coolant level. Can't break the habit.


New member
I kicked around the idea of measuring and reusing the head bolts, but I figure the $70 for new head bolts is worth the peace of mind knowing that I have new ones in there.

Did you do your own, too, keezer? If so, what did you use for sealant on the timing cover where the FSM manual calls for another seal packing other than the FIPG? (for the coolant channels) The sealant that the FSM calls for there is $48. Absurd amount of money for a 6" bead of sealant. I picked up some Permatex Ultra Copper to use.

I am going to start cleaning up everything this afternoon, and reassembly will start tomorrow, hopefully. I really really hope it's back on the road Tuesday. It's going to be such a great feeling when it fires up for the first time. haha


I didn't do my own.
Would have liked to but it's my only transportation so no way to get around once the job begins. Hated the idea of someone else working on my stuff but, what are ya gonna do?

I have used Permatex on other occasions though. Just make sure it's suitable for the surface it's being applied to and what fluids it might come in contact with.


New member
Yeah, luckily we don't have to rely on the 4Runner as one of our daily drivers. It usually is my wife's DD, but we have other vehicles that can fill in.

I emailed Permatex and described the conditions, and they recommended their Ultra Grey or Ultra Copper. I picked up the Ultra Copper.


New member
Got the heads, cams, and timing chains back on this afternoon. Ready to put on the timing cover, but something doesn't make sense to me in the FSM.
Here is an excerpt...

Anyone have a clue what B is referring to? The little arrows, and then the big black B doesn't make much sense to me. Any insight?

Also, my timing chain has a little bit of slack (maybe 1/2") down at the crank sprocket. It comes off of the LH intake cam sprocket and down a chain guide to the crank sprocket. Is is something that I should be worried about? All of the timing marks are aligned. I wish I had taken note as to how much slack was there before disassembly. The rest of the chain is tight, as it's either tightened by the tensioner or the idler sprocket pulley, but this bit of chain has nothing to put any tension on it.

Anyway, hope to be hoisting the engine back into the vehicle either tomorrow afternoon or Monday (holiday for me!). We are going on vacation this Thursday, and it will be a great vacation if I know I have a fully functional 4Runner sitting at home in the garage!

Any ideas appreciated. Thanks!


New member
Well, engine is all back together. Hopefully going into the 4R tomorrow. Wish me luck that it purrs like a kitten. Otherwise, you'll hear me yelling (or crying) from wherever you may be. :D


New member
Got the engine in yesterday and buttoned it up this afternoon. Fired it up around 4pm. Runs great. Haven't taken it for a spin yet, as the dealership didn't give me (yeah, they actually gave me free SLLC) enough coolant.

Headed out on vacation Thursday and not getting back into town until the 23rd, so a test drive will have to wait until then.

Shew, that was not fun, but probably worth the money I saved. I've got about $700 in it (gasket kit, water pump, hoses, belt, SnapOn head bolt tool, and machine work).


So far so good. Have you a scan tool in case you do pop a code? I mention because I recall on mine, the mechanic mentioning that though the crank timing was off, it did run smooth.
$700. Oh, I wish I could have done my own. I'm still suffering from labor pains.


Bluebird days
New here but this thread did grab my attention due to the fact I have an 05 tacoma. No issues yet.
Question for you cpayne5, What head bolt tool did you need from snap-on? Just trying to be prepared in case I ever have to deal with problem.

Also how are the 4.0 cylinders numbered, 1,2,3 for one bank or 1,3,5?
Thanks, Cam-shaft

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