Roninjiro aluminum Nissan D40 camper

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Ok found the perfect fabric for my purpose. I will be using Surlast by the makers of Sunbrella. It is the perfect weight, flex, UV resistant, strength, water beads the way I want, and have the colors I want. I just got to find a good deal on the fabric, then I can this tent portion done and post up pictures.

Good for you!


A little update guys. I ordered a roll of super screen fine mesh, keder rail and welt, and going back and forth with a supplier for my Surlast fabric. The mesh window will total almost 8yds to give you an idea of how much we love our fresh air. The Surlast fabric used will be two colors for a pretty neat two tone look, I may model it so you can see if time permits.

Build was estimated to be completed in 60 days but this has proved to not be the case this time around. With the extra research and redesigning.. it has added at least another 30 days.
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zippers and basting tape
Super screen... Tuff stuff btw
keder rail

The keder welt that came in was the wrong size (50% smaller than required) and I just ordered the right size so that is now delayed. I should have the actual fabric next week.
Ok found the perfect fabric for my purpose. I will be using Surlast by the makers of Sunbrella. It is the perfect weight, flex, UV resistant, strength, water beads the way I want, and have the colors I want. I just got to find a good deal on the fabric, then I can this tent portion done and post up pictures.

Glad to hear! Keep on building!!


Brother CE5000PRW. With the right needle and other things... it does extremely well on this thick stuff. Just have to keep the needle clean with the crazy basting tape we have to use. Our last machine definitely could not do this, there wasn't enough power on that one.
Ahhh.... the sewing.... I am noticing great resistance to diving into the sewing on mine..... so please post lots of pics of yours.... it might help me get going!

Keep it up!


Lol, trust me... the sewing part I have been avoiding for a long time now. A few of the problems I have ran into is gumming up the needle due to the basting tape and keeping a straight line. Thickness is not a problem at all (that was the #1 thing I was afraid of and thought would happen). I know I may have issues handling large pieces of fabric. But.... I will try to post a lot of pics once I can get going on the actual tent.


Ok back to work! We have a deadline of the 29th of this month to finish!!!!! or make it useable by then.


The measurements for the tent portion have been taken now to get to the fabric part of the build. We still have Insulation, cabinetry, plumbing, and power to go after the tent is done.

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