Scoutkid's van is HERE!!!


Van Builder
It was a big week for the Vantom - he has is OWN fancy license plates and registration and everything! That meant passing an emissions test in my part of the world - which meant finding a center I could fit Vantom into...


Additionally, I got a nice whiff of fuel smell in the cab these last few cold mornings - methinks the fuel bowl orings are close to shot, and in the cold, things contract and begin to leak... SOooo... I bought a new fuel filter and fuel bowl oring kit:


And while driving around I found a new van project...


I managed to strain a bunch of connective muscles in my ribcage this week, so it might be a slow weekend. :(

That One Guy

I like the van! Minus the top that has a bigger footprint than the van itself does. Sorry to hear about you strainin' stuff. Makes not only working, but erryday life harder.


Van Builder
Happy nearly Halloween everyone. I took a short drive down the street today to find some ghoulish props... when I got home my Zombie Huntin' Rig (Vantom) decided to show me JUST how bad his fuel leak had gotten....


Thats how much was on the ground in about 10 seconds after parking... I'm glad I have my fuel seal kit on the way!!

Since I don't have parts, I decided to work on another little project. So I started gathering up some gear.

Gotta have a utility belt, what for carrying around things to be killin' zombies with.


Gotta use all them loops for something. Hows about a nasty looking BFH?


and the ever trusty 4' crow... safety yellow, of course! Wouldn't wanna be hurting any non-zombies.


If you are zombie huntin', you best have a rusty old ax. No need to sharpen it, just dull enough to split skulls.


When out huntin zombies, if you don't have duct tape for, well, whatever, you might as well be dead.


nothing says 'die zombie' like a 2' length of 3/8" chain - with hook!


And my all time never-leave-home-without-it, at least 100rds of .50 BMG, belted for easy carrying!


Now grab your favorite 12 gauge pump shottie, gear up and find yo-self some zombies to wax!



American Adventurist
So where do the ladies place their dollar bills?

Are you dressing up to be "Larry Croft" for Halloween?


Your build thread has been inspirational in the motivation department. Thank you for showing me how lazy I've been and complacent with finishing the 4X4 conversion. Well I'm proud to announce that VANDETTA is officially 4X4 !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again for building yours in a month. It only took two weeks of working on it at night after work and on the weekend to get it done.




Van Builder
Your build thread has been inspirational in the motivation department. Thank you for showing me how lazy I've been and complacent with finishing the 4X4 conversion. Well I'm proud to announce that VANDETTA is officially 4X4 !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again for building yours in a month. It only took two weeks of working on it at night after work and on the weekend to get it done.



Hey! No problem. You probably have things like 'a family' and 'important stuff' to do. I'm just a guy with too much time on his hands is all. It really is all about looking at a lot of small projects rather than one big scary one.

I want to see how you feed .50 BMG through a 12 gauge....:Wow1::sombrero:

That's what the BFH is for!


It's not that it's scary or too big, I was burnt out on it. I worked on it for 7 months straight and I think I needed a little break.


Van Builder
Well I'm happy to report that after replacing the fuel filter and firing the big boy up, the leak is much, much, much worse...


This was immediate. Awesome... I am thinking I am going to have to pull the whole fuel bowl just to get to the likely culprit: the 3 fuel hoses.

(i stole this pic)


I can see NO other way to A) have that much fuel pour out that fast and B) change out those hoses in a van....


did you use the FORD filter and cap, or the aftermarket one from XXXXXX (enter your favorite flaps here) the one piece aftermarket filters are known gushers, ask me how i know. my "change filter" sensor was also a leaker when i picked up my van. i had all kinds of leaks when i received my van--glad i didnt fly and drive as the seller wanted


Van Builder
did you use the FORD filter and cap, or the aftermarket one from XXXXXX (enter your favorite flaps here) the one piece aftermarket filters are known gushers, ask me how i know. my "change filter" sensor was also a leaker when i picked up my van. i had all kinds of leaks when i received my van--glad i didnt fly and drive as the seller wanted

The one I took out WAS a 1 piece... I thought this may be the problem, so I swapped it out. That is when seemingly the entire fuel system let fly all at once... With the amount of fuel that came out, there is pretty much only one culprit. Additionally, after a bit of research it also makes sense why my idle was off - the fuel pressure hasn't been reading right lately and apparently that makes the idle all wacky. So, good to know when I fix the leak my stumbling idle will be fixed, too!

Sadly (kind of) we had about 5" of snow last night, which means a day or two at least before I can get to pulling the fuel bowl!


When mine does that, I'm going fuel bowl delete and putting a filter underneath. It's bad enough changing the filter.

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