THAT makes sense... Like Sean said, you're not getting the uptravel we are. LT would be cool, but it's $$$. My wife would not approve...
I've never been to Moab (or Utah) so I'm really looking forward to it. Gotta get the truck setup before Sept though. I'm planning on building a RTT, I would buy one if prices were reasonable... But I think they're nuts given what it takes to make one.
I just purchased a tepui autana sky and a thule x-sporter adjustable height bed rack for my 1st gen tundra. I was a little in shock at sticker price but if you can justify it out and use it a lot then its not so bad. My friends always give me crap and say hey your like going to school to be an engineer or something why don't you build one haha. Not that easy.
Im game for the Moab party. Im in LA so not far away at all!