Show off you Laptop/Tablet/GPS mounts please


Agenda PDF maps App works well with the Dual GPS. I'm liking it so far also. I run the topo maps they have. Working on an IPad Air mount for the WJ now.


Expedition Leader
Here is what I have in 60 Series LandCruiser.

I an Ipad 1 for navigation inside a OtterBox. I used a 6" Ram mount arm with small socket balls mounted to my Tuffy console. I had a spring arm clamp mount from a solid bar type mount I tried, I used the clamp and the removable mount it came with a Ram handle bar mount.

It is solid, very adjustable and easy. It is also stealthy, when the Ipad and ram is removed, all that is left is a small ball mount.

I have about $50 into this set up, including the original solid alum bar mount and Ram parts.


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New member
I have just installed a mount from iPadhldr in my 4Runner. The mount use a bracket the is attached to bolts inside the glovebox. It has been very stable thus far. I run various GIS programs for work. I mostly use GIS Kit for iOS for data logging - it is also handy for converting .kml files to .gpx for everyone else on the trip. For off road navigating I have been very happy with Gaia.



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Expedition Leader
Here is what I have in 60 Series LandCruiser.

I an Ipad 1 for navigation inside a OtterBox. I used a 6" Ram mount arm with small socket balls mounted to my Tuffy console. I had a spring arm clamp mount from a solid bar type mount I tried, I used the clamp and the removable mount it came with a Ram handle bar mount.

It is solid, very adjustable and easy. It is also stealthy, when the Ipad and ram is removed, all that is left is a small ball mount.

I have about $50 into this set up, including the original solid alum bar mount and Ram parts.

Doug with your setup is there enough reach and travel to orient the iPad vertically and push things down alongside the trans tunnel, on the passenger side?


Autism Family Travellers!
Finally got my tablet mount today. And luck would have it, tis like 1/8th of an inch to big. I need to add some cellualar foam or something in the bottom mount to make up some space. truck cap tape should do the trick.


Expedition Leader
Doug with your setup is there enough reach and travel to orient the iPad vertically and push things down alongside the trans tunnel, on the passenger side?

Kind of...It will go down part way, but the Tuffy cup holder, trans and transfer case shifters and dash are in the way.

I have quite a few Ram mount parts and have tried several combinations of clamps and extensions, with a double clamp and a a 2" extension I can do what you asked, but each joint adds flex to the mount, which makes vibration off road more noticeable. The Ram clamp is the longest one I have found and is, as I recall 8" long. It;s solid and easy to use and install.

I can store the Ipad and Ram parts in the Tuffy console when needed.

I'm happy with the mount set-up, and really like the Ipad for a navigation device. Once you use this, little GPS devices, well, they suck!


RAM mount!

RAM mount for Samsung Tablet, Laptop shown on shelf behind which slides back into the crash pad!

We use OZI explorer for our Topgraphic maps and Sygic for our our general street navigation!

Right Hand Drive Nissan Patrol.



You might be a overlander if you can't see you speedo due to tablet interference.

Here's my setup on a normal camping trip.

From left to right:

Backup camera; OBD tablet; Android Mapping tablet (google maps, backcountry navigator); Windows Tablet (NatGeo TOPO, Delorme TOPO, MS Mappoint/Streets & Trips); Hotspot phone on the dash.

A few comments:

None of the screens get in the way of line of sight
None of the screens are in the path of an airbag (driver or passenger)
All tablets are run off the 2nd battery, with extra USB and 12V adapters throughout the cab
The laptop is run off a dedicated 100W inverter also connected to the 2nd battery
Ignore the open switchbox on the dash...I was halfway through a new lighting install, so all those wires are now run smoothly



Autism Family Travellers!
Here is a shot of my mount, trail camera and gps receiver. I will get better photos after. Just grabbed this one quickly.

Just noticed my camera focused on my pop up instead of the mount....but you get the idea.



I just have my phone, but I have a lot of crap sitting around the garage. I put some velcro on the back of my phone holster, then built a rather red neck mount out of scrap wood that can velcro on and off the dash. I can mount the phone in portrait or landscape mode. I also cut a hole in the phone holster so I can use it as a go pro when it's in the mount.



Crew Chief
I just have my phone, but I have a lot of crap sitting around the garage. I put some velcro on the back of my phone holster, then built a rather red neck mount out of scrap wood that can velcro on and off the dash. I can mount the phone in portrait or landscape mode. I also cut a hole in the phone holster so I can use it as a go pro when it's in the mount.

Round off those corners and stain it or line it with vinyl to matche your interior and it won't look as redneck.


i use my tablet for everything from guages to movies to nav .. so much so, that I scratch-built my dash around it.



Expedition Leader
Its right there on the GPS screen. Real time traffic and all. Lol couldn't help myself.

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