Shower and toilet enclosure thread


Now that is a shower...... even a diesel water heater option (bit big however)


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We also use a Pett Tent Enclosure & Dry Toilet. Here is what we use for the floor, place a 6' x 8' vinyl tarp on the ground. Then we use the Wearwell Emergency Shower Mat. The inter-locking squares are 18" x 18" w/ 6" side borders. Four 18" inch mats with the 6" inch border all the way around works out to a 48" x 48" inch square mat when snapped together. (Perfect Fit) The website says the mats are available in Green & Yellow or Red & Yellow, but they are also available in Black w/Black borders. (This is what we have) Whats good about using this type of mat, the water runs through the shower mat onto the tarp and out the back of the shower enclosure. Your not standing in soapy water. The other good feature is the mat is flexible, so it lays with the contour of the ground, not teeder toddering on a rock like a ridge floor would be. When using your Pett enclosure as a restroom, the PVC mat is ridged enough to support the Pett toilet legs. Works Great!

Click Here: Wearwell Emergency Shower Mats
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Rendezvous Conspiracy
I like this system very e to set up.alos have the toilet ect.


Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳

Those are great mats especially the model # 891 (, however quite pricey and hard to find in small sizes like 2'x2' or so. I use the rubber floor mats from my truck as the floor mat for my shower enclosure. Keeps my wet feet from getting muddy and the shower cleans the floor mats off from daily use. I put one inside the shower to stand on while showering and one outside to step on when I am done. Once the shower is done, I put them in the sun hanging over a rock or limb or the bumper, etc. to dry say over night, takes a short time and I am ready to reinstall floor mats into the truck ready to go.

As a minimalist, I am always looking at applications I carry along with me to be NON-singular, i.e. multi use to keep my load/weight down. The actual shower stall itself, I have used for potty stall, showers, female dressing/potty enclosure (small spy cam in corner :Wow1: LOL) etc.


Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳
Someone should shoot a good video on how to fold it back up and host it with YouTube. I did a search on the Tube, and not video for it exists yet.

I found two videos showing how to fold these but cannot find them any longer. I have attached one here but when you download change extension from xls to wmv and it will work. The other file is too big to post.

I found lots here...try searching Google video and YouTube


  • folding shower camping - Google Videos.xls
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We set up the shower/toilet tent w/mat & Zodi Extreme hot shower unit, when we're base camping for 4 or 5 days. Nothing feels better than a hot shower, after a day of hiking!



Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳

We set up the shower/toilet tent w/mat & Zodi Extreme hot shower unit, when we're base camping for 4 or 5 days. Nothing feels better than a hot shower, after a day of hiking!


Got that right Alan! I use my Helton hot water kit and my diesel engine running all day to heat up the water. Engine stays warm for quite awhile so time to set up camp, cook and then shower, clean dishes, etc,. with the water. My shower stall (Porta-Privy) sets up in 30 seconds and folds up in about the same time. Only use it about every 3-4 days. Get two showers out of 20 L jerry can. I carry two on a rear swing out - blue for drinking, brown for showers.


OverCamping Specialist
I fold my Outback Privy a tad different, I wonder if yours folds the same way, it looks easier.
I will have to give that a try next time I pop it out.


Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳
For those who are having a difficult time folding the privy I had to make a video as I could not find any how-to on this product. Cabellas Trekker fold a privy

Hope this helps for those who have not figured out the provided torture they call directions

Nice video, very simply done. Compared to the instructions and other videos I have seen your's is by far the best. Thanks for sharing!:costumed-smiley-007


New member
portable shower tray for less than $20 ?

Vince had this cool shower deck in Baja. I need to get one :). I was using my spearfishing fins to stand on.

I'm trying to find something to stand on while showering so that my feet don't touch the ground.
Unlike a shower deck I'd like to get something that's similar to what Paha Que sells. They call it the "drain capture floor" and is used to capture the gray water that's not allowed to touch the ground at some campsites:
The problem is that the Paha Que "drain capture floor" seems to be the only product of the kind to be sold anywhere on the Net.

I also found this portable shower tray: but it costs $345!!

Anybody knows of a similar product that sells for less than $15 - $20 ?


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