Expedition Leader
A 4" rock should not lift your whole truck off the ground but I'm kicking back so I'll go do the same thing with my 4 ply sidewall load range C. It should be worse than yours with 4 ply.

Fwiw I'm friends with the owners of three tire companies. Good enough freinds that one personally vulcanized my tire. Here are some worthless tidbits I picked up from them over the years.
One owns Sand Tires Unlimited. He told me that the highest cost in a tire was the UV chemical in the rubber. I've used 25 year old tires that he made that are still usable because of the compounds he used back then. I picked his brain and today run with only the fastest guys at Glamis and Dumont in a POS car because of his tires cut the way he told me to cut them.
The other designs tires and works directly with China. Hellava guy. Learned about rotating weight and he said if your not focusing on the side by side market you are going out of business. He has a 300hp hyabusa. Yikes!
The last I've know the longest is a real quiet guy I wheeled with many times in Hot Springs AR. He doesn't advertise, sponsor or anything. It was all we could do to get a banner just to say he was affiliated with us on ride put on by one his best buddies. His name is Warren. He told me that anybody can have a tire made by companies like cooper like he does but what you pay for is a higher percentage of natural rubber. That's what makes a tire tuff. Warren owns Interco. He cast one really cheap aggressive tire in Brazil I think it was. They were a horrible 3rd world tire and so soft they would leave black marks on your hand. They sold like crazy anyway so he flew down and had them change the rubber and make them round. Today they are good. That's the story of the Swamper LTB from the horses mouth. I ran his best tire back in the day and still think it's one of the best off road tires ever built. 36 TSL SX.

Fwiw I'm friends with the owners of three tire companies. Good enough freinds that one personally vulcanized my tire. Here are some worthless tidbits I picked up from them over the years.
One owns Sand Tires Unlimited. He told me that the highest cost in a tire was the UV chemical in the rubber. I've used 25 year old tires that he made that are still usable because of the compounds he used back then. I picked his brain and today run with only the fastest guys at Glamis and Dumont in a POS car because of his tires cut the way he told me to cut them.
The other designs tires and works directly with China. Hellava guy. Learned about rotating weight and he said if your not focusing on the side by side market you are going out of business. He has a 300hp hyabusa. Yikes!
The last I've know the longest is a real quiet guy I wheeled with many times in Hot Springs AR. He doesn't advertise, sponsor or anything. It was all we could do to get a banner just to say he was affiliated with us on ride put on by one his best buddies. His name is Warren. He told me that anybody can have a tire made by companies like cooper like he does but what you pay for is a higher percentage of natural rubber. That's what makes a tire tuff. Warren owns Interco. He cast one really cheap aggressive tire in Brazil I think it was. They were a horrible 3rd world tire and so soft they would leave black marks on your hand. They sold like crazy anyway so he flew down and had them change the rubber and make them round. Today they are good. That's the story of the Swamper LTB from the horses mouth. I ran his best tire back in the day and still think it's one of the best off road tires ever built. 36 TSL SX.