Silverado's Thread

What modification would you like to do next?

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What do you think of your lift? I have a leveling kit currently and want to be around 4" with flatter angles than I have now.. I have considered the RCX set to 4".


Texas Wanderer
What do you think of your lift? I have a leveling kit currently and want to be around 4" with flatter angles than I have now.. I have considered the RCX set to 4".


I like it, I have had 6" lifts before and found there are more options but they really were a pain getting in and out. I fell the 4" is perfect height and if I need that extra inch or 2, I can crank my torsion keys... I also enjoy the stock ride and feel of the truck with the 4" lift, so if I were to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing.



I like it, I have had 6" lifts before and found there are more options but they really were a pain getting in and out. I fell the 4" is perfect height and if I need that extra inch or 2, I can crank my torsion keys... I also enjoy the stock ride and feel of the truck with the 4" lift, so if I were to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing.


I have kicked around the idea but I still have this thought in my head that I will end up doing an SAS at some point so i can't commit to the lift until I rule that whole silly notion out.


Nice Silvy Walker! Great execution of mods to this rare truck you have. Bonus that it has a manual shift transfercase too boot as well as the 5.5 ft bed! That manual shift is rare and almost unheard of on an LT truck. Is that true LT or an LS? Either way, manual shift tcases are hard to come by and the only way to own them!
Cloth interior, no climate control and no steering wheel controls, probably an LS.


Texas Wanderer
Cloth interior, no climate control and no steering wheel controls, probably an LS.

Mine is a LT, bought it new and still have the price sheet... Larry I had no idea the manual T-Case is a rare option, in fact I have always been envious of those push button type, NOT!!! But truly had no idea it was unheard of, when I bought it in 2006.


Viair Onboard Constant duty system




What are the dimensions on those rock slider?

General Automag

'Very nice Viair setup on your Chevrolet Silverado. Did you fabricate the mounts for the air compressor and tank? Please post any pictures you have of the wiring installation. In particular, we're interested in how you mounted your on/off switch inside the cab and how you ran the power leads to/from the engine compartment/compressor to the interior of the cab. We haven't seen any easy way to run wires for accessories from the engine compartment to the inside of the cab. The factory "grommets" for the many large wiring harnesses that protrude through the firewall are nicely secure and sealed up from the factory, and we're looking for a better way to run wires into the cab without damaging or otherwise "messing up" the existing wiring harnesses. Thanks! :)
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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Great looking Truck, looks slightly familiar. I love mine shes got 180k on her and still going strong. :smiley_drive:

I also have the Spectre cold air intake, have you found any "pre cleaner" covers that fit it?

To answer general automag I have an 2004 and will post how ive run wires through my firewall. Sorry for the hijack, Walker.


I mounted the switch to the left lower side of the steering column, excuse the open panel another project in process.

Deep under the dash behind and above the pedals there is a stock thin spot in the fire wall that is used in the loaded models. so for those of us w/o the loaded models we can take advantage of it. on the other side of the firewall under and to the lower right of the brake booster you can see where i drilled through the firewall and installed a grommet and then ran all my wires through.

hope this helps


Are there any NBS owners out there with pics? I, sadly, don't have any good shots of mine anywhere special. My dream list, 2" leveling kit, snorkel, roof basket and lights (low profile), lights up front and a rear tire carrier bumper.


Texas Wanderer
What are the dimensions on those rock slider?

They were fab'd here locally by a welder/offroader... I'll get some more pics and measurements when I get back in the middle of the week.

Great looking truck, very clean. How do you like your tires?


Texas Wanderer
I'll take some pics when I get back in the middle of the week, as for the wiring install. Well, it was rather straight forawrd, I have temporarily mounted the gauge on the dash on the left side above the air vent. I routed the air and wires through the firewall under the steering column. It was just as easy to run the wire from the a positive power source back to the compressor with the air hoses. Hopefully my pics will explain better.

'Very nice Viair setup on your Chevrolet Silverado. Did you fabricate the mounts for the air compressor and tank? Please post any pictures you have of the wiring installation. In particular, we're interested in how you mounted your on/off switch inside the cab and how you ran the power leads to/from the engine compartment/compressor to the interior of the cab. We haven't seen any easy way to run wires for accessories from the engine compartment to the inside of the cab. The factory "grommets" for the many large wiring harnesses that protrude through the firewall are nicely secure and sealed up from the factory, and we're looking for a better way to run wires into the cab without damaging or otherwise "messing up" the existing wiring harnesses. Thanks! :)


Texas Wanderer
Do not worry about hijacking, that's why I started the thread so that WE can SHARE information and ideas. I mounted mine very similar to yours. What system are you running, are they only for your lockers? More pics please...

Great looking Truck, looks slightly familiar. I love mine shes got 180k on her and still going strong. :smiley_drive:

I also have the Spectre cold air intake, have you found any "pre cleaner" covers that fit it?

To answer general automag I have an 2004 and will post how ive run wires through my firewall. Sorry for the hijack, Walker.

View attachment 130629View attachment 130630View attachment 130631View attachment 130632

I mounted the switch to the left lower side of the steering column, excuse the open panel another project in process.

Deep under the dash behind and above the pedals there is a stock thin spot in the fire wall that is used in the loaded models. so for those of us w/o the loaded models we can take advantage of it. on the other side of the firewall under and to the lower right of the brake booster you can see where i drilled through the firewall and installed a grommet and then ran all my wires through.

hope this helps


They were fab'd here locally by a welder/offroader... I'll get some more pics and measurements when I get back in the middle of the week.

Great looking truck, very clean. How do you like your tires?

Welp, I got them when I was in high school and my truck has a little oomph with a custom tune, so I did a little showing out. It's just the thing you do in small town GA. Then the 7" wide wheels really got me. The shop had put entirely too much pressure before I really checked and the middle tread was already wearing faster. So I got my pressure close to being right, then two tires came up with nails in them so plugged them up. Then front end components are wearing out so it gets everything out of whack including my alignment. They seem to get scared on gravel roads too. I think I have close 40K miles on them. These are the most uneven worn tires you will ever see I promise. If I had proper width wheels and proper air pressure it would have been nice but I really have enjoyed these tires, never have let me down! Sorry thats it long winded.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic

I have an ARB CKMA12, just shy of new I found it on CL for $100 could not pass it up!! I have no complaints its a great compressor although it gets extremely hot in long duty cycles, the tank will help with that. It is mounted where you put you're second battery and has the air line running down inside the right front fender, coming out bellow the airbox mounting location. I like that location so far keeps it clean and out of the way. I made a tank out of 6inch square tubing 18inches long haven't bothered to do a gallon calculation on it.I plan on mounting it under the cab or possibly under my flatbed I hope to build this winter. Still deciding where I want to mount the gauges, debating if I want 3 on the a pillar or 2 and 1 on the steering column. Somewhere switches to control my rear airbags from the cab since I already had the compressor and tank i figured its way cheaper to build the system with components from one of the big rig shops here in town. Sadly I dont have air lockers...yet. :sombrero: Anything specific you want to see?

PS: Id love to know more about that braided air line you are using..
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