Simple Shower


Got ours from Preppers Warehouse. $8.95 included the $2.50 shipping on the box! Awesome deal. Looks like a really great idea. Pursue that patent you have pending!


I just ordered one from preppers with free shipping!

Good job, I like it that you have had an idea and have followed through with it. Good luck with your venture!


Thanks for the kind words Jr Explorer and verdesardog. This is one idea I'm pursuing through retirement.

As I keep telling people, when I was in grad school I participated in a business plan competition (great idea, but I was clueless on how to write up a plan). At the end of the day all the competitors were invited to a dinner, and the guest speaker was this guy who had invented these little things that stick on regular eyeglasses and converted them into reading glasses (based on the sticker that you get in your windshield after an oil change). The one thing that stuck with me was his comment that "sometimes it's the little things that make it, not the big, fancy software programs" (mind you, this is in Seattle).


New member
What a wonderfully simple design. I ordered 2 from Preppers Warehouse just for the heck of it. I was getting bummed about having no empty bottles around the house then I had an idea...why not use the hydration bladder that I have for biking? Worked great! Up to 3 liters of capacity, lightweight, compact, and simple.



bbaker, it looks like you've got the short tube on in that photo - you can use the longer tube for the bigger bottles/bladders. They'll bend and work fine (just remember, though, that air goes into the bottle through the tube, so if it's covered with water it won't flow great at first).


I've been wanting a camp shower for a few years but never pulled the trigger. After stumbling onto this thread, I too just placed an order for one on amazon. Great idea!

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Expedition Leader
Anyone try it on a Dromedary bag? they come in black. Not sure the threads will work.


Geodoc, I too think this is a great idea, .........but......
What bottle did you use for the thread model?

Got one from Amazon. It does not fit on my Lifeline bottle, and of course my Nalgene is the wide mouth. Does not screw onto my Sceptre water jug either.

I do not have a handy 2 liter, since I quit drinking soda. I'll go get one if you tell me it threads on.

Help me understand which bottles, besides the pictured Platypus.

Thanks in advance.


jeffjeeptj, the bottle I used was the standard one from the grocery store. I've used it on all Platypus bladders (1-3 liter) and the 750ml Lifeline bottles sold at Fred Meyer (a Kroger subsidiary) successfully (if you want, I'll provide a video showing this). It works on every 1 and 2 liter bottle I've tried it on (and even works by shoving it in to a wide mouth juice jug - something somebody wrote in their Amazon review - which took me by surprise). A coca-cola bottle will work (as will the Safeway brands and the company that makes Canada Dry tonic water). The only thing it has not worked well on is a 12 oz water bottle (threads weren't quite right, and the air tube is too long). Otherwise, I've never had a problem.

I've never tried it on a Sceptre bottle (actually, it wasn't until I started reading this thread about a year ago - after I submitted my patent application - that I even heard of Sceptre), but for the Nalgene bottles we've got something planned (part of the patent app), but it might be several years. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit on the Snap Cap well (the bottle cap that turns a Nalgene bottle into a smaller mouthed bottle).

PM me if you have any problems and I'll see what I can do to find a solution. Also, can you advise what specific Lifeline bottle you tried it on?

To all - the Simple Shower was designed for use with the ubiquitous 1 and 2 liter bottles that are sold worldwide, and then usually discarded - it's just been fortuitous that it fits other bottles (many of which I have found out by people saying "hey, do you think it'll fit...." and we try it, and behold, it does). I know it fits standard 1 and 2 liter bottles, Platypus bladders, and the Lifeline bottles I have tried. If you find others that it fits, please don't hesitate to let me know. And, if it doesn't fit a certain type of bottle (as jeffjeeptj points out with the Spectre bottle), please let me know that way, too. That way I'll be able to keep people apprised so they won't be disappointed).
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This lifeline bottle. The threads are a finer pitch than the shower head. Since i need this to not leak, i do not want to force the threads to engage.
Looks like it is a 32 oz smart-cap bottle.


On my way to buy a 2 liter bottle of club soda.
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Just ordered one from Preppers ($8.99 shipped w/ discount code 'prepper')

Looking forward to giving it a try.


Ah, crud! Now I see the problem - I was referring to the Lifeline collapsible bottle - I was unaware that there was a hard bottle (I'm sure I've seen a gazillion of them at REI and other outdoor stores, just never put two and two together). As to leaking, it's okay if it leaks - the Simple Shower is designed to let water out, not keep it in :)

Also, it does not fit the Smart Caps :( (as you've discovered). I tried that earlier and was bummed (which reminds me to post that somewhere so people like jeffjeeptj aren't caught by surprise).

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