Snow Peak Addiction


Snow Peak, not just for the backcountry

My family and I just got back from a weekend snowboarding. We stayed at rental condo. I always bring my Snow Peak cutting board and knife with me when we stay at places that have a kitchen. I've always hated the knives at rentals they always are dull as can be. This cutting board and knife is always a godsend for cooking.



My family and I just got back from a weekend snowboarding. We stayed at rental condo. I always bring my Snow Peak cutting board and knife with me when we stay at places that have a kitchen. I've always hated the knives at rentals they always are dull as can be. This cutting board and knife is always a godsend for cooking.

View attachment 381667

I have one of those and love it!


yeah agree on link and then not be able to move side to side at all somehow :)

Hey guys. Still hoping to get your input of measurements of the IGT Windscreen. It would be really helpful to get some baseline measurements to start from. Like material thickness, lengths, widths, bend point from edge for the top angle, dimensions of the tab that fits into the table track as well as it's position on the screen, and details about the pin that goes into the holes on the table. My plan was to first create some drawings and then consider design improvements.

Looking forward to anyone's input. Thanks.


We are going to make our own cutting board soon and it will hold knives for us.


Here's one I noticed recently. Good design.

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Yuman Desert Rat

Expedition Leader
Thanks to everyone who emailed me, that is interested in owning a set of IGT straps. Good news! I have started sourcing the materials and hardware. Most of it is being shipped this week! One step closer!


Thanks to everyone who emailed me, that is interested in owning a set of IGT straps. Good news! I have started sourcing the materials and hardware. Most of it is being shipped this week! One step closer!

Nice!! I just went skimming thru this thread looking for your straps again. Found them somewhere near page 60...

Oh yeah, I am so ordering some straps when you get going again.


lost on the mainland
Honu, would you be willing to post up dimensions/measurements of the windscreen? I'm looking into getting one fabbed up and investigating the cost of a small run to fit 4U & 3U IGTs. I too love the idea of the side box mount and have a few other accessory ideas I'm hoping to be able to economically make. Your lower shelf/lid system among the ideas.

dimensions I did not take but can if you have specifics :)
my thoughts on dimensions are the width of the 3 or 4 space setups
and really they could be better as in taller by a few inches I feel ? would keep food a bit warmer when windy etc. I would like to see 10 inches tall and maybe even a small taper down the side maybe to 6 inches ?

again will take some snaps next to tape measure and give if you need just let me know what parts :)
not sure if you ever seen how they go in ?
they kinda reverse fold and there are two halves for my 4 space unit
OK hand held iphone vid sorry about the bad quality but will answer some I hope on what I mean by reverse fold out and how the thing goes in

OK a few quick pics here again sorry bad lighting :) ironic I am a photographer but have my light setup for some other product and dont want move them as I am doing a 5 day shoot :)

a few thoughts on how to improve and it comes to how it mounts see last pics and the SP japan site links and it will make more sense :)
if there is a way to mount this so you can still use these hanger mounts ! that would be huge
I think using the mounts would be bad as they are hard to get ahold of and I like the one piece design nothing to loose
but being able to use them for the adl table is part of the cool sp configurations and we cant do that with the stock screen
also I think if there could be a way to keep the wind screen ON and then slide those in and out would be cool to :)
that little pin hole on the corner of the IGT that the screen drops into I kinda wondered if you used both per side that would keep the screen from sliding side to side but of course how to angle up to drop that pin in would be the issue :)
and again the height could be better I feel grease still gets over the top and when windy I feel enough wraps around and cools the food a bit quicker than if it was taller
I would not want it to tall though ? for me at least I tend to stand so I am facing the table when cooking and enjoy talking etc. so 10-12 inches ? tapering down on sides maybe ?

OK pic below: this is how it slides in !
IMHO this could improve a bit maybe as it is a bit sloppy feeling
the upside is part of it and the whole thing folds flat

once slid in you do not see anything and it fits flush which is nice since nothing falls through

what 1/2 of it looks like when put in place
I do like the two halves as sometimes this is all I need
the downside is like in the video if bumped you end up with a space in the middle ? not a huge deal


close up view of the tab that slides into the channel

screen hinge again since this kinda reverse folds you can see the tab
basically I just pulled this out and opened it a small amount like in the video this ends up being the inside toward the cooking area once put on
I guess the upside is the hinges never get greasy since they fold behind the unit when open cant think of any other reason why :)

not sure if you are familiar with these pieces ? they are what the hanger hooks go into
also fo rhte height adjusters
and here is the wind screens biggest flaw IMHO
notice that link above with the height adjusters and that table in front just lower
you cant use this with the wind screen !!!!
i want to protect my table and family from spattering grease etc.. !


so when the screen is in place you can see they would block it


a kinda in use pic of me making my boy a hd

another in use pic

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