Lennart has one of the dutch oven inserts they made for the IGT sadly some of the cool stuff they made is now discontinued ?
link to the post
you might even be able to try a steam pan for the dutch oven instead of using as a sink ? shallow one maybe ? or just get a piece of steel cut to width
as far as washing goes my plastic fits down inside but I never use it that way I just leave it on top on the side table
while I was going to go with two IGT 4 space units and just have there own things ? I am OK with the wood table on the side
I have two more 2 space IGT I am going to sell

I did have a more dedicated one but no pics of it but was basically the wash basin sitting inside it just squeezes in and worked just fine but kinda expensive and another thing to setup for that so the simple basin works
really has ended up being the easiest over having one insert ! BUT that said I do have a steam pan and mocked something up once again using my aluminum material as the guide
since the IGT inlet is 12.75 inches the chafing dish is the same size so it just falls through but a piece of flat aluminum on each side screwed/riveted on would make it drop in perfect and they are readily available and cheap
I have one I have been playing with and going to do some things with them in some ways for me with the metal one I picked up at costco business but amazon has them to
and they have lids so you could cover it up and have a surface or use that cutting board Idea I do for top cover
IMHO that might be something to think about trying to work with as a wash insert ? also you can put it on the stove to get the water hot ! (read that here on another post from someone)
but for me I am torn about the drop in sink ? I might just use it as a stand alone put on the stove warm the water and then have a second cool one for rinse etc...
I had looked into the chafing pans as a way to make inserts before snow peak came out with theirs and I saw them on that Japanese guys site quite a few posts back
but maybe even a 20 inch wide shallow could work as a dutch oven setup ?
the one idea I am playing with is to use them as drawers ? since they have the lip just a thin set of something to slid them into and they could work quite well as small drawers
I love the drop in inserts but when I played with mine using the steam pan idea I found it was a pain since that one pic is when I am cooking the surface is covered ! but drawers could be handy to have
one other reason I think for dishes the steam pans work no square corners so easier to keep clean as a wash basin !