This is an awesome build. I wish I was in the market for one. People don’t stop to appreciate what it takes cost, effort and planning wise to build a rig. At $85K this is a great value. Yes aftermarket accessories aren’t worth the same as you put in them but building something from scratch will be atleast 120K incl labor. The way I do the math you are getting a new ish AEV Jeep with $10K for all the accessories installed!
@tommysita three comments for you
1. I see you posted interior pics but in all honestly the amount of effort that’s been out in the truck merits a much nicer set of pictures at a back country location and a walk through video
2. How did you solve for the spare tire? Is it mounted on the rear door of the AluCab?
3. The spec sheet says body colored panels but I see the black roof panels. Maybe a typo?
Good luck with the sale. I am building my rig up for a big trip and trust me I know the pain
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