Maybe my wording was unclear but it was in support of your price regardless of the pricing. But seeing as you brought up points.
1) Historically the rand is about where it should be to the dollar right now and will hover around there for some time. I have a business that involves a lot of back and forth with he country, this is something i track. As for the prices changing, i have no idea. They do change every year based on aluminum costs, the price change is most often at the start of the year. The best way to get around this is to pay a deposit and be locked in. But any transaction involving forex is a tough gamble for sure.
2) I have never had issues with contacting them either at the factory or a dealer. Maybe because I am there a lot and have met people face to face I have better luck. Also being an ex-pat may help. I have no idea. But it sucks for those who have tried to contact and got no joy. As for credit cards, yeah almost no business in Africa is going to do that because of the rampant fraud. Wiring is the only way to go. But for me I have family and a business there so no big deal. As for sight unseen etc. You are right. I fortunately have people within a few miles of them who currently own trailers and are able to do all transactions.
3) Yup, all valid issues but not a total nightmare. But again, this is why I agree with the price you are asking.
4) If you are going to try buy one from Australia you are nutso just because of duties. The trailers are shipped from SA partially stripped down and reassembled in Australia to try avoid some hefty import duties but they are still hit with very harsh duties. So if you import to the USA from Australia you are paying a massive amount of duties that are just throwing cash away. And if you think dealing with SA conqueror is a mission try the Australian outfit.
Once again, including all of the above facts I agree on your pricing and think you will, and should, get that price. People do not seem to understand that the trailer you have is essentially a rare beast, and like any rare anything it sets it's own price but may take a little time to unload.
And for the record, despite the fact that I don't see any issue with bringing one in I have still not pulled there trigger due to growing my business. Whether buying one here or importing one it is still an expensive undertaking.
Best of luck.