SOLD, SOLD, SOLD - 2010 Conqueror Commander - Only One in the US (PRICE DROP)

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Trolling, trolling, trolling...

There are some parts of that thread that are missing: 1) I had to outlay $20K over and above what I earned in commission for helping to sell a truck and for what I sold (traded) my previous conqueror for. If those things were added back in, I would be sitting at over $40K. I had communicated with SteveR regarding that part in PM's. It could be that SteveR in that thread is speaking in Rand to US conversion dollars ... IDK.
2) What I paid for the trailer, however, has no relevance to what the trailer is worth.

Ever since purchasing this trailer in 2011, many have asked about buying the trailer and then decided that they were going to import one on their own instead. Subsequently, no other Conqueror Commander has found its way into the US since. In 4 years, you would think if it is possible to get another one in the US, that it would have been done by now.
If the trailer sells for $40K (without the fridge) then it sells. If it doesn't then I keep it.

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Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I should point out that coming into a classified ad within expedition portal and making derogotory comments about a person's item or price is against the terms of use that you agreed to when you signed up to participate here and is a ban-worthy offense.
It appears, bothar9 that you joined simply to make a derogatory comment here. Since I am indeed the admin, I could ban you for such, but in an effort to show that I have nothing to hide about the sell of the trailer, I will not.

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Expedition Leader
I should point out that coming into a classified ad within expedition portal and making derogotory comments about a person's item or price is against the terms of use that you agreed to when you signed up to participate here and is a ban-worthy offense.
It appears, bothar9 that you joined simply to make a derogatory comment here. Since I am indeed the admin, I could ban you for such, but in an effort to show that I have nothing to hide about the sell of the trailer, I will not.


The Trailer is worth what somebody is willing to pay period if the trailer sells for 62k then it was worth the 62k regarles of cost!

Dandy Jarrett I do not think you need to explain your self, if you want to sell the trailer for X amount that is your RIGHT, it is yours and you dictate the selling price regarless how much you paid for it!

Also I agree with you it was intentional and DEROGATORY and should be BANNED from the forum!


The Trailer is worth what somebody is willing to pay period if the trailer sells for 62k then it was worth the 62k regarles of cost!

Dandy Jarrett I do not think you need to explain your self, if you want to sell the trailer for X amount that is your RIGHT, it is yours and you dictate the selling price regarless how much you paid for it!

Also I agree with you it was intentional and DEROGATORY and should be BANNED from the forum!
I agree 100%. There's some douchebaggery afoot, and it ain't Dendy. I smell a troll.

Katika Africa

New member
Dendy is right. The trailer is worth what he gets for it whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant. Yes, you can bring a brand new one in better spec'd and land it for a good deal lower. But you need to do it. Very few will do this and thus the trailer has a high value. So, if you're not going to go through the hoops on both sides of the ocean and wait the 4-6 months and bring one in on your own then you're going to spend the premium for one already being here. You either do the work or pay the price.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Yes, you can bring a brand new one in better spec'd and land it for a good deal lower.

There are a couple of factual statistics that should be pointed out to your statement:
1) The Rand is WAY DOWN to the US dollar right now. This could change tomorrow. If you are mid-stream in a purchase, the S.A. will adjust your price. (trust me- I know- I purchased some extras for the trailer from a friend that travelled there, and when we got quoted prices before he got there, the price was X and when he arrived in S.A, the Rand grew strong over the dollar and he had to pay X++).
2) Bringing in a new one is near impossible unless you know someone in S.A. as I haven't gotten a return e-mail from Conqueror South Africa EVER in 9 years of owning one. Not one peep. I did have a dealer there contact me and I was going to purchase a couple thousand dollars in extras for the trailer, but he refused my AMEX and wanted me to wire the money ... NOT GONNA HAPPEN!)
3) Used 2010's in South Africa are fetching between $24K-$30K, and then you have to factor in Shipping, Duties, Tariffs, Taxes, and the risk that you may not be able to get it registered. (plus purchasing it sight unseen from another Country)
4) A Conqueror Commander (New) from Australia is fetching upwards of $60K (or more) plus all the items mentioned in item #3 above.

All in all, my price seems very fair. If someone doesn't think so, they can always make a reasonable offer.


Katika Africa

New member

Maybe my wording was unclear but it was in support of your price regardless of the pricing. But seeing as you brought up points.
1) Historically the rand is about where it should be to the dollar right now and will hover around there for some time. I have a business that involves a lot of back and forth with he country, this is something i track. As for the prices changing, i have no idea. They do change every year based on aluminum costs, the price change is most often at the start of the year. The best way to get around this is to pay a deposit and be locked in. But any transaction involving forex is a tough gamble for sure.
2) I have never had issues with contacting them either at the factory or a dealer. Maybe because I am there a lot and have met people face to face I have better luck. Also being an ex-pat may help. I have no idea. But it sucks for those who have tried to contact and got no joy. As for credit cards, yeah almost no business in Africa is going to do that because of the rampant fraud. Wiring is the only way to go. But for me I have family and a business there so no big deal. As for sight unseen etc. You are right. I fortunately have people within a few miles of them who currently own trailers and are able to do all transactions.
3) Yup, all valid issues but not a total nightmare. But again, this is why I agree with the price you are asking.
4) If you are going to try buy one from Australia you are nutso just because of duties. The trailers are shipped from SA partially stripped down and reassembled in Australia to try avoid some hefty import duties but they are still hit with very harsh duties. So if you import to the USA from Australia you are paying a massive amount of duties that are just throwing cash away. And if you think dealing with SA conqueror is a mission try the Australian outfit.
Once again, including all of the above facts I agree on your pricing and think you will, and should, get that price. People do not seem to understand that the trailer you have is essentially a rare beast, and like any rare anything it sets it's own price but may take a little time to unload.
And for the record, despite the fact that I don't see any issue with bringing one in I have still not pulled there trigger due to growing my business. Whether buying one here or importing one it is still an expensive undertaking.
Best of luck.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I felt your "love" David, and knew where you were coming from. I also knew you are from there, so you (yourself) will probably have success bringing in a trailer.
For the average "Joe", it would be daunting at best!
Thanks for your support.



Expedition Leader
I felt your "love" David, and knew where you were coming from. I also knew you are from there, so you (yourself) will probably have success bringing in a trailer.
For the average "Joe", it would be daunting at best!
Thanks for your support.


I am Joe and I am NOT average Joe!:wings:

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
just fyi there is a North American distributor for South African made trailers (well built) called Echo 4x4 . It's not the conqueror but has similar features except has rtt and annex . Start at $15900 up to $26900 Canadian ( echo 5) Web site:
The dealer is in British columbia,B.C.

Yes, however ... yet to be determined if they will pass Department of Transportation standards and be allowed over the border. And no offense, but the Echo is not a conqueror (suspension, all aluminum skeletal design, galvi chassis, departure angles, etc.)

But ... good to know that SA is migrating some business off shore.

Chris Cordes

Expedition Leader
Just saw this and that trailer is ready to roll and awesome. I think its certainly worth whatever you want to ask. The nightmare and risk with buying one overseas and attempting to import is huge

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