Refining the models of the rack and related areas of the diff casing. The input shaft on the rack has an rearward offset. With the diffs upper mount boss removed, there should be 1" of clearance to the racks casting. I am unsure if the hydraulic lines are going to clear, as they have large stress relieving loops (~4" diameter). I wan't to avoid custom lines, but may not have a choice. They look like metric flare, so should be easy enough to locate. Its a complete pain to measure my van with the skidplate installed, so that may have to wait a while. I still have about 10 tab/slot groups to create, and 2-4 gussets for the engine mounts. Speaking of skidplates, I have a 1/4" aluminum one on the van. If possible I am going to try and incorporate it into the design. Should be simple enough with 4 bolts. The issue is that the diff hangs down about 3/4", and the rear diff mount about 1". Not sure if I want to give up 1" of ground clearance.
I am going to crawl under my van when it warms up a little and do a mockup of the torsion bar location. I need to get a feel for how the trans crossmember, Tshaft bracket, and fuel tank are going to line up. I have been mulling the idea of fabbing a custom larger fuel tank. Something in the 150L/40 gal range. Which would make good use of the factory tank location. I could easily clearance that for the Tcase. Should be pretty simple CAD work, and a day or two welding aluminum. Of course I would need to get a spool gun (or a decent welder).
Looking at Tcases, I am considering sourcing a NP242HD from a 02-03 grand V8 cherokee. I am not sure how the input shaft length lines up with the wranger adapter housing though. The HD version uses a 27 spline input and 32 spline output.
Any thoughts on if the slip yoke eliminator conversion is necessary on a long wheel base vehicle? I think with the Tcase installed my rear shaft will be about 10" longer that it is currently, as I will likely not need the center carrier. For reference, here is a chart with various Tcase torque ratings.