Spy photo of new AT Trailer


Likes to Drive and Ride
New AT Clamshell vs. Big RV trailer

I towed my big, old, 30-ft travel trailer over the Sierras and back this weekend to meet with family on the other side. The meeting place was up on the west side of Highway 4 at 5,000-ft near the Calaveras Big Trees state park. Those familiar with Hwy 4 and Ebbetts Pass know that nobody has any business ‘attempting’ to pull a large RV over that road. It's a tight, narrow road with switchbacks and is about 1.5 lanes wide in places with no center line. It's a terrific motorcycle road!

Our only option was to pull the big trailer up and over the parallel trans-Sierra Hwy to the north, Hwy 88, down to the foothills, south to Hwy 4 then back up the western side. It would have been much shorter to just go up and over the top of Hwy 4. I could have easily done it with a Four Wheel Camper on the back of the F350 (don’t have one), or dragging the Chaser with the 4Runner. But since we were meeting people with a big 5th-wheel in an RV park, the Chaser was a bit privative.

BUT! I think an Adventure Trailer clamshell trailer would have been a very nice compromise of comfort and towing size/connivence. Taking the short twisty route over the top of Hwy 4 would have been fun and easy with something about the size & weight of the Chaser, but with stand-up room/shelter and a few of the niceties we have discussed here as option. Only thing it might not have would be a inside shower and power/water hook-ups, which we didn't need for just two days.

I was motivated enough to want something smaller that I can tow with the 4Runner that I looked at Airstream Travel Trailers briefly this afternoon. Maybe someday, but I already have something very similar, a 30-ft 1978 Avion. Even a small 16-ft Airstream would be a lot to drag over Hwy 4, but not the future AT Clamshell...


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Mostly mundane things to report on. The project is moving forward. We have worked more on the design and plans. Materials have been selected for the prototype.

The kitchen layout and size has been determined.

As many of you know it takes time, but we are getting there.


Likes to Drive and Ride
Hooray for progress! :luxhello:

Martyn said:
Mostly mundane things to report on. The project is moving forward. We have worked more on the design and plans. Materials have been selected for the prototype.

The kitchen layout and size has been determined.

As many of you know it takes time, but we are getting there.


Well-known member
Redline said:
I was motivated enough to want something smaller that I can tow with the 4Runner that I looked at Airstream Travel Trailers briefly this afternoon. Maybe someday, but I already have something very similar, a 30-ft 1978 Avion. Even a small 16-ft Airstream would be a lot to drag over Hwy 4, but not the future AT Clamshell...

Well, I just did a trip to Prescott, up AZ-89 (IIRC) and if you know that twisty mountain road, I towed our Kamparoo up and down it, with the Cherokee and was catching people. It comes in about 1500# and you hardly notice it behind you.

I am excited to see how AT does there take on the clam shell design. Awaiting.... :D


Rendezvous Conspiracy
Redline said:
Those familiar with Hwy 4 and Ebbetts Pass know that nobody has any business ‘attempting’ to pull a large RV over that road. It's a tight, narrow road with switchbacks and is about 1.5 lanes wide in places with no center line. It's a terrific motorcycle road!
One of my favorite roads:

Do the AT's have brakes?



Likes to Drive and Ride
It's one of my favorite M/C roads too :)

Brakes are optional, but I have them on my Chaser. I'm about to re-gear my 4Runner to 4.88s so I should be able to drive up and down roads like Hwy 4 with my Chaser, on or off-highway.

HMR said:
One of my favorite roads:

Do the AT's have brakes?



HMR said:
One of my favorite roads:

Do the AT's have brakes?


Yep, almost every time I have been over pass I get to see some rice rocket that did not understand rocks at the side of the road hurt. I used to run my F-250 and 20ft hauler over the pass with the Jeep on the back and had a few close calls with people who don't appear to have any concept of safety.

A good day of wheeling up there sure is nice with a visit to the hot springs :26_7_2:

There are a couple of nice camping stops we have had our old AT to up there. My preference is a spot on top of Calaveras Dome where you get to overlook the reservoir, you just may have a little bear visitation however.


New member
Martyn said:
So far we've had a lot of feedback on what you'd like to see in the new trailer, as in toilets, showers, etc.
What amenities would you like to see in the trailer?
What amenities would make or break the sale for you and your family?
Are there different ways we could accommodate your requirements that would keep the costs reasonable?
What brands and models of products would you recommend (website link if possible), and what price range does your recommendation fit into ?
Would you prefer to see built in units or free standing units (as in showers, heaters, etc.)

Thank you for any ideas of feedback.

Although I have not posted here much, I am a serious buyer, and the deal breakers for my wife are:

1. Heater
2. Bathroom
3. Shower
4. A place for my two kids to sleep too

I would want everything built in as much as possible. Cost is not as much of an issue.


spressomon said:
No but I heard a rumor it is going to be lighter than either the Chaser or more especially the Horizon: Proof will be in the putt'n! I can't freak'n wait to: Seeit/towit/buyit/useit :punk03:.

Let's get it on eh?! Maybe if each one us goes to Upland and donates a day each of free labor we can shorten the ETA curve...or possibly lengthen it :Wow1: .

Anyone into an ETA pool? <:^O

Back to the wish list: I may want a full cage :rolleyes:.



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
ZR2nit said:
Hey Martyn got any news on the new design yet?????

No progress other than what I have previously mentioned. Right now it's a matter of trying to line the ducks up in a row so that once we get going there are no delays.


Off Topic

Sorry man but I have to know: How do you pronounce your name???? You see my name is Martin but everyone calls me Marty.

Are you a Marty or is Martyn just some other way to spell Martin?????



Pete said:
Although I have not posted here much, I am a serious buyer, and the deal breakers for my wife are:

1. Heater
2. Bathroom
3. Shower
4. A place for my two kids to sleep too

I would want everything built in as much as possible. Cost is not as much of an issue.

I agree with Pete. If this trailer is made right (I mean according to my needs) it will be th only trailer I ever own. And I'm only 23 years old.....Thats saying a lot!!!!!


Likes to Drive and Ride
x3 on the order and preference of these 'options'.

I'm a serious buyer too having already purchased one Adventure Trailer :)

Pete said:
Although I have not posted here much, I am a serious buyer, and the deal breakers for my wife are:

1. Heater
2. Bathroom
3. Shower
4. A place for my two kids to sleep too

I would want everything built in as much as possible. Cost is not as much of an issue.


SE Expedition Society
ZR2nit said:
Sorry man but I have to know: How do you pronounce your name???? You see my name is Martin but everyone calls me Marty.

Are you a Marty or is Martyn just some other way to spell Martin?????


Based on his avitar(Flag of Wales) and brief phone conversation with him, I think Martyn is Welsh (from Wales, part of the UK.), therefore his name may be spelled a little differently. Its pronounced "Martin", but spelled the British way. Kind of like they spell "tire" "tyre", and many other small differences.

Martyn, if im wrong you have full permission to cut out my tongue, and feed me to the alligators. Or whatever torture you may prefer. :)


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