I'm of the minority here I can tell, so BAM here it is. That big Land Rover sticker on my rear quarter keeps me from answering 100 questions in parking lots and gas stations, and I love it. The Defender sticker on the windshield is for all the pre-adolescent boys in the back seat of cars ahead of me, staring me down in traffic.
I also have my Southern land Rover Owner Society sticker on both sides, so that fellow members can identify me in traffic, and yes, I have an Expedition Exchange sticker on my front wing, because I like it, and like to advertise the outfitters that I have received good service with.
I am a BIG advocate of the Land Rover Marque, and I want to see the legacy continue as close to it's heritage as possible, and help the brand from drifting towards soccer-mom'ism SUV's by influencing consumer demand where I can.
I am also of the mindset that well traveled vehicles that choose the alternate road to far away places, are well suited to emulate the 'steamer trunk" likeness of representing exotic and exciting places they have been. If I have been to Belize or Africa (as an illustrative example) in a vehicle, i want something on my vehicle stating as such, so that others with a desire to go can walk up to me and ask me about it. That is a way of drawing out and meeting like minded people.
on a side note, note the gratuitous snorkel on my vehicle. (Not a single ECU on my vehicle either BTW). I have forded many a stream/river and have walked too, too close to the edge of hydrolock due to unexpected depth (even with a ground guide), and found myself in my past 4wd's saying to myself, "I have got to get a snorkel before I ruin my engine". I just dropped quite a bit of mula for my turbo diesel conversion, and want the snorkel insurance to save me from myself while in the outback, when mister 'damn the torpedo's-full speed ahead" climbs up on my shoulder...
I forgot to mention, that I need to put Overland Journal, D-90.com and Expedition Portal.com stickers on as well, to spread the love. I'm waiting for something that doesn't go on the the inside of glass, since the windshield is already taken.