Dusty Grin
very clever! They just flop over and you can reach in from inside the tent. Nice.
Back on Post #250 I had asked:
The I had went on to say that I had an idea I was going to test out
I am happy to report that my idea worked out great and I am not going to make any changes to it at all!!
Here are some teaser pic's:
View attachment 230482
Hanging down with shoes in
View attachment 230483
Folded flat for transportation
I am going to post up a full write up on my blog and this form later tonight once I have all the pictures taken to describe the 4 easy steps!
Here is a LINK in the mean time
The extra straps worked well but I felt they were all too narrow and tended to oscillate in the wind, marring the cover. I ordered up some 2" wide UV resistant straps and made up some new retainer plates to replace the tiny ones that came with the RTT.
Do the 2" wide not vibrate? My 1" wide straps did until I started putting a twist in them when strapping the cover down - now they don't.
These guys have anti-condensation mats as well as some other useful RTT items on their site:
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But the anti-condensation mat they carry is from Tepui. I have a Tepui Gran Sabana tent, but was more impressed by the Dry Mesh mat. I wasn't so impressed with Tepui's when I saw it.
Just an FYI, Compact Camping is getting a $25 premium over what Tepui charges for the same mat. I did order one of their mesh storage pouches though.
some simple searching provided these...from this thread.
I see these pictures, and this item being marketed as an "anti condensation mat".
To me, that's laughable. There is no way that item allows any airflow greater than without it.
If I plce that mat on a board, 100% of the surface will contact the board, so we're clearly not going to get any airflow there. The solid walls basically forms many small tubes, so no airflow on the sides. Now we have the top surface, where the matress will set.
The only thing this mat will do is allow a small space for condesation to pool under the matress instead of soaking into the mattress.
Now look at the truly "woven" design of the product sold by Autohome. It's mesh construction allows air flow in any direction
Take the above mat and put it on the kitchen counter, or any smooth surface. Pour water in it. The cell will fill with the water.
Now get a cheap air filter, (same mesh constrcution style as the autohome mat) and try it. No cells to fill with water.
just how i see it. Maybe the autohome is worth more because it does more?
Yes I'm a Tepui dealer, so naturally I carry their AC Mats. I would like to clear up a bit of miss-information. We do not charge a $25 premium, if you look closely, there isn't a shipping charge on them. With shipping same pricing as Tepui.
Thanks for you business on the Storage Pouch.