Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent


Rack Attachment Bolts

For some crossbars like Thule ones, the metric bolts that come with you tent unit are too long

The metric bolts can be replaced with standard 5/16" bolts of the correct size from your local hardware store

Lucky j

only alberta has free healthcare the rest of canada.

Do not know about the extent of free healtcare in AB, but we are cover on the majority of our care in Québec also, but if not an emergency, you might have to be a patient patient! But the rest in fairly expensive, bit not the cost of lodging. And we get tons of free snow every year! ;)

Beamer pilot

Can you turn thoses big drinving light towards the tent as reading light before going to bed, or....... dry your tent on a rainy day! ;)

Like the global color of your set-up!

Thanks and yes on both counts.
My driving buddies in this area include elk, moose and deer as thick as black flies in Northern Quebec.
You are missing the two OE on the bumper and the two Lightforce around the winch...
Never could figure out why if I turn them all on at the same time the engine bogs down.....:elkgrin::safari-rig:


Rendezvous Conspiracy
I did almost the same thing. Little project box from Radio shack. I mounted the same switches as yours at least it looks like them on the side. Then mounted the box up where our heads are while we sleep. Easy to reach. The reason on the side of the box, sometimes when I would close the tent and in doing so would throw the switch, the LED light would come on and drain the battery and you would not know. Have not had a problem after that.QUOTE=Rattler;1569339]Pretty neat. I am thinking of doing something similar.[/QUOTE]
so what are you guys doing with your shoes once you climb to the top of the ladder?

last year I would just take off my shoes off once i got to the top and and set them at the end of the bed up side down, but that isn't how I would like to continue going about it.

I picked up a few things today to make what i think will be my final solution, I am interested in what others are doing before I spend too much time and money trying to make my idea work. I'll post my results as I get it made them made (hopefully this week) or once there is some worth while pictures.



so what are you guys doing with your shoes once you climb to the top of the ladder?

last year I would just take off my shoes off once i got to the top and and set them at the end of the bed up side down, but that isn't how I would like to continue going about it.

I picked up a few things today to make what i think will be my final solution, I am interested in what others are doing before I spend too much time and money trying to make my idea work. I'll post my results as I get it made them made (hopefully this week) or once there is some worth while pictures.


You can get this shoe hammock or what I do is use one of those large NiteIze gear ties and hang them from the ladder.


OverCamping Specialist
I have a shelf setup I put together a few years back to hold stuff in my Maggiolina Airlander.


That shelf looks great!!
Too bad I have the fold in half style of tent, not the fold flat style you have or I 'd be going that way forsure!

Sent from handheld smoke signal device

Beamer pilot

Gonne figure out a similar shelf system for my ARB. I really like that.

I am also working on an extension for the ladder, possibly two flat length of aluminum (one on each side) to fit inside the lower leg near the ground secured by two small C clamps. They could be adjusted individually to compensate for uneven ground and retracted into the ladder lower leg, C clamped and stored with the ladder inside the cover. Pics when I figure it out.
Anyone else with another solution?


Gonne figure out a similar shelf system for my ARB. I really like that.

I am also working on an extension for the ladder, possibly two flat length of aluminum (one on each side) to fit inside the lower leg near the ground secured by two small C clamps. They could be adjusted individually to compensate for uneven ground and retracted into the ladder lower leg, C clamped and stored with the ladder inside the cover. Pics when I figure it out.
Anyone else with another solution?

I stick a flat rock under one ladder leg or get the shovel out and level the ground. :elkgrin:

Beamer pilot

I stick a flat rock under one ladder leg or get the shovel out and level the ground. :elkgrin:

Yes an option, but my favorite camping place is South of Corpus (Padre Island Seashore area), sea shells perhaps ?
My shovel is bolted to the Kargomaster rack with muffler clamps, only comes off to dig out of the sand and insert ramps when stuck.

But you are right I gotta learn to do more with less...


Yes an option, but my favorite camping place is South of Corpus (Padre Island Seashore area), sea shells perhaps ?
My shovel is bolted to the Kargomaster rack with muffler clamps, only comes off to dig out of the sand and insert ramps when stuck.

But you are right I gotta learn to do more with less...

try these QuickFist clamps on your shovel. I got mine at Sierra Expeditions



Now back to cool tent stuff

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