Here is what I did tonight with some motivation and design cues from a few of the posts in this thread:
I made some much needed improvements to the lighting situation inside the RTT. I added two 16" white LED of either end on independent switches. I didn't want wires tied to the support bars so I picked up some split loop that was just the right size to wrap around the support bars and hide the wire, I am happy with how it turned out, don't really know how I could have done it any other way to make it any cleaner of an install....
Here's a pic if the above description doesn't make sense:
Under the foam mattress I added some more foam to soften the bed up some for the GF
I don't notice a huge difference in the 30 min I spent up there after installing, but perhaps we will after a few hours of sleeping on it
Sent from handheld smoke signal device