On my trailer's tent one thing that was always in need of improvement was the two straps over the cover. They help to keep the cover from ballooning due to air forced under the cover while I am driving. Unfortunately the cover would still balloon quite a bit in the raised center section that covers the ladder. When the original black straps wore out I replaced them with some cheapo Harbor Freight straps with cammed metal buckles and then added two temporary straps in the center. You can see them in this picture.
The extra straps worked well but I felt they were all too narrow and tended to oscillate in the wind, marring the cover. I ordered up some 2" wide UV resistant straps and made up some new retainer plates to replace the tiny ones that came with the RTT.
I fussed with the strap lengths quite a bit and then tightened up the retainer plates and trimmed the strap with 1.5" hanging
Then I took that extra length and wrapped it around the plate.
Now I have four nice straps that should last quite a while.