Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Roof Top Tent



Question, someone knows what is that ring for? I guest is to help to close the tent but I'm not sure because in the manual doesn't mention nothing about it.



Thornton Melon's Kid
Bungee cords goes across tent between the rings to help keep the tent from billowing out when you close it.

My Mombasa has 6 pairs of rings but only 4 cords.

I found a couple sleeping pads I had from the ground tent days I put under my mattress to see how it does. It felt better at least.



This is my setup for extra lights. It works awesome. I also have light inside of the tent but I don't have pictures now :-(



I strung a cheap set of LEDs around the main hoop inside mine. Seems to be working good still after a year. Underneath I did the same but put the lights inside a chunk of clear plastic hose and stuck them to the bottom.

I am doing the same inside, but have not had a chance to finish it yet

Beamer pilot

I know, you all been through this before...

Well. I put the new ARB Simpson through a major set of heavy thunderstorms (not by choice) for the first time on the East end of Lesser Slave Lake Alberta and not a leak, I just wondered what would happen if hit by lightning...
After heavy rain as you walk onto the ladder, some rain from the roof comes down and soaks you, must remember to shake the tent before climbing up and entering.
At 2AM when it hit (heavy rain) I had to go out and roll up my awning just in case of a micro burst, no fun!!
As previously discussed on this thread I will have to find a solution for dirty footwear.
So far so good, very pleased with the equipment.
photo 2.JPG

Beamer pilot

1.5 hr. South West of Edmonton North West of Rimbey area (middle of nowhere).
I'm in Calgary and Edmonton often.
I have extra "boot hangers" I made, send me a PM next time your in Calg and you can have one or both if your interested
I posted a pic of them earlier in this thread, people who have seen them in person have called them "a genius solution" (I am no genius). Let me know

Sent from handheld smoke signal device

Beamer pilot

I have extra "boot hangers" I made, send me a PM next time your in Calg and you can have one or both if your interested
I posted a pic of them earlier in this thread, people who have seen them in person have called them "a genius solution" (I am no genius). Let me know

Sounds great thanks, will do.

Do I get a ride in the Hummer ?????


A few things:

1) I figured out the bungee cord/ring set up inside the tent (with all y'all's help - thank you!)
2) I found a way to secure the AC mat to the inside tent deck without drilling into it. I used the strap for the provided mattress (w/Velcro, to keep it from flopping over when the tent gets folded). I stripped the Velcro off the webbing and used a ladder buckle, cut a small hole in the AC mat for the webbing to fit through, then back to the ladder buckle:

I also figured out, that after closing the tent with our sleeping bag inside (and a 2" memory foam pad), I'm going to add another buckling strap to the side of the tent that opens, to assist in controlling the tension from the stuffing. No photo yet, but it will look just like this:

Here's a look at the inside of the tent with the sleeping bag:


For those of you that are putting LED lighting inside your tent, don't go overboard. I only have a 2' strip of lights, and it seemed fine at the time, but I've since decided to remove it because its just TOO much light at night.

You can see my install below (its slim but its attached to the center of the top hoop):


I've got my eye on a simple battery powered LED dome light that is intended for a Jeep roll bar.

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