Switching my life to "not Jeans". Can I get some recomendations for good NON JEANS


New member
I have pants from The North Face, Patagonia, Columbia, and Marmot and can recommend them all. This past spring, though, I bought a pair of Tru-Spec 24/7 tactical pants and they immediately became my favorites. They are rugged, durable, and the most comfortable pants that I own. After wearing my initial pair for a few weeks I bought 5 more pairs in various colors. I especially like the pockets on them (all 10 of them).


perpetually lost
Kuhl Pants are awesome.

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how long are you getting out of a pair of Kuhls, and how often are you wearing them?

My first pair from 09 lasted 3 or 4 years with weekly (and some times day after day) wearing. The pair I bought in 12 or 13 didnt last a year with similar wearing habits. I agree that they are very comfortable pants that I enjoyed wearing, but at 80 bucks a pop I am going to choose Arborwears ($64 on their website) (going on 6 years of HARD work and abuse on 2 pair of arborwears and they are only showing minimal fray/wear. no blow outs) or Carhartts for 1/2 the price.


Autism Family Travellers!
how long are you getting out of a pair of Kuhls, and how often are you wearing them?

My first pair from 09 lasted 3 or 4 years with weekly (and some times day after day) wearing. The pair I bought in 12 or 13 didnt last a year with similar wearing habits. I agree that they are very comfortable pants that I enjoyed wearing, but at 80 bucks a pop I am going to choose Arborwears ($64 on their website) (going on 6 years of HARD work and abuse on 2 pair of arborwears and they are only showing minimal fray/wear. no blow outs) or Carhartts for 1/2 the price.

If you want tough pants, I bought a couple of pairs of dickies from wal mart for 26 bucks Cdn each. I use them regularly as my work pants down in my mechanics shop. I have had them for 2 years now and beyond a few grease stains, they are still like new.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I quit jeans long ago. I have tried dozens of cargo pant styles over the years and keep coming back to these: Wrangler Rigg Rangers. They fit fairly snug, last forever, well designed pockets and just look and feel good. The only thing they are lacking is flaps on rear pockets.


I quit jeans long ago. I have tried dozens of cargo pant styles over the years and keep coming back to these: Wrangler Rigg Rangers. They fit fairly snug, last forever, well designed pockets and just look and feel good. The only thing they are lacking is flaps on rear pockets.

I might try a pair of the Rangers. I work in law enforcement, so I generally avoid wearing tactical pants (5.11, Royal Robbins, etc) unless I'm on a raid or at firearms. Around the office is a sea of 5.11s and black or olive drab polos. It has become a defacto uniform and I really don't want to put that vibe out there. But I do sometimes have a use for them and the double front on the knees of the Rangers would be a good benefit. I wear the Riggs Carpenter pants daily. I wear the knees out after a year or two, but I'm willing to sacrifice durability for comfort. It probably takes 3+ years for me to wear out the knees on Carharrts, but Riggs are way more comfortable and have better features. And at about $30, they are still a bargain. I also recently bought a pair of the Riggs Technician pants. They are a bit lighter weight than the Carpenter pants, don't have Cordura in the pockets, but still have the leather on the pocket. I expect even less durability, but not a bad pair of pants to hike in.


Expedition goofball
For the penny pinches like me...
The cargo pants at Kmart are heavy duty and hold up very good to working conditions. My only grip is the button falls off. But at $20 or less it's hard to complain.


For the penny pinches like me...
The cargo pants at Kmart are heavy duty and hold up very good to working conditions. My only grip is the button falls off. But at $20 or less it's hard to complain.

If it's a sewn button, that's an easy fix!


(so I dont look like a military sub-contractor overseas),[/URL]

Ironically 5.11s are the most prolific britches amongst those of us who are military sub-contractors.

BTW, I strongly suspect those endorsing Mountain Khakis have not actually owned a pair in the last 10 years
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Agreed. Incredibly I'll fitting pants
Ironically 5.11s are the most prolific britches amongst those of us who are military sub-contractors.

BTW, I strongly suspect those endorsing Mountain Khakis have not actually owned a pair in the last 10 years


Just an FYI for those who may be interested in ownership of particular brands:

PrAna is part of Columbia, Mountain Hardwear, Sorel and Montrail. The vast majoriy of clothing having those labels are made in China, Vietnam, etc. Additionally, they fall into the same category as Mountain Khakis, as mentioned above, i.e. "they aren't as good as they used to be"

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