Tacoma is a dog, should I think twice before adding FWC?


Are people ticketed for these? Not in NM....

They are here in Idaho. There are chip repair places all over the place in random parking lots. They love to chip seal the roads here... think it is a conspiracy! :p :D

That and no mud flaps. On my way home work the other week saw a guy that we know pulled over in his 4WD van. Later said he got ticket for his tires sticking out too far.


Varies by state. In my state, chip/crack can't be longer than 3". And my friends have been ticketed for tires sticking out.


Damn, even Idaho? Glad I live in a state where law enforcement has better things to do...



yeah, I remember some fuss about importing dirt bikes too....could really do without all the political ******** swinging.


Which would suck, since Americans don't know how to build a proper dirt bike. Though the Alta looks promising....just need to get the range and "refuel" time similar to a petrol bike. Would love to have a darn nearly silent bike.

(off topic!? no's ways! not us!) :D :p

...anyways back to your regular scheduled program.



Damn, even Idaho? Glad I live in a state where law enforcement has better things to do...

yeah, I am little surprised by how uptight they are here. Not as "Live and Let Live" type of state I was lead to believe. But I am a fairly straight shooter as the law goes, no need for worry for me. The outdoor recreation is why I am here...not for the culture, or the lack there of.


Was this in dispute? Toyota will also void your warranty for using your truck for rock crawling yet they offer lockers and crawl control. Who are we supposed to believe, the lawyers or the designers?

No dispute.

We all know that the published numbers have some safety factor built into them, which of course I'm sure Toyota would readily admit, but what the safety factor is and which component is the weak link we as consumers will never know. We can infer numbers based on similar components and applications, but there are too many factors at play to come up with hard and fast thresholds. If you take the vehicle beyond what it was "designed" for, you assume the risk.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
I can't seem to find anything upon quick search. Only thing I came across was vehicles over 6k lbs may be restricted on certain city roads, and more relevant to this discussion, vehicles over 8,500lbs will require additional insurance. This is per Wiki.

With how intrusive DOT is, it would be hard to believe that there isn't some sort of regulation there. To me, that poses more danger than a chip on the windshield or tires sticking out 1/2" from fenders.
You can follow the thread yourself, it's C.R.S. Title 42. There are several references to weight but it all seems related to damage to highways, maximum axle or tire weight, etc. The only time it seems relevant is for determining registration fees, driver's license requirements and if the truck is used commercially certain limitations apply. For personal use it seems to be that if you're under 26,000 lbs and you meet the general length, axle and tire restrictions there's nothing that applies legally.

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Only if I could get it super cheap, but they are kinda hard to look at. They aren't selling too well...might be able to get a gonga deal on one. ...and I dunno, shouldn't really care about how a vehicle looks if you're going to beat on it.

Here is one sub $25K: https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/688439617/overview/

Another a touch over $25K...saying payload is 1950lbs. https://www.dennisdillonnissan.com/new/Nissan/2017-Nissan-Titan-d86c79bc0a0e0adf2f7fe0bbffcbd5f8.htm

Told bkg once I didn't see the point of the Titan, but now I am kinda getting it. Though still think you're better off buying a 3/4-1 Ton if you can't get a deal on the Titey.

Would like to get back into a 8' bed. Keep on looking at vans, but if you do a conversion both 4WD and camper, you're kinda stuck with it. Pick up is more versatile, and you can separate components if needed. That is probably another "this thing vs. that thing" thread. :p :D


Takes a while to agree with me.... the first time. &#128513;


Takes a while to agree with me.... the first time. &#55357;&#56833;


Still ugly as all get out...BUT, I am finding RCLB's in the $25K range...and not that I want a diesel...finding those are around $27K. Not bad for a truck that has 2000lbs+ payload and 11Klbs+ of towing. Nearly 400ft lbs of torque in the gasser and 550 in the diesel.

Pretty good deal for those type of numbers.
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