Google found this.. Might help.
Measure the entire length of the trailer from the outer end of the coupler to the very back end of the trailer in inches. Multiply the length in inches by 0.68, this will give you the length from the end of the coupler to the center line of the axle. You can round the result up or down to the nearest inch.
Now that you have marked the centerline on the outer frame pieces, you can determine where to mount the front spring hanger. First, measure the length between the eyes of the spring (center to center). Next, divide this measurement by 2, this will be the distance between the centerline mark on the frame and the center of the bolt hole of the front spring hanger. Weld the front hanger in place. The distance between the bolt hole centers of the front and rear hangers is simply one half of an inch shorter.
For example, if the length 26 inches, half of 26 equals 13 inches. You would then mount the front hanger with its bolt hole centered 13 inches from the centerline mark on the frame. The center of the bolt hole of the rear hanger would then be aligned 25 1/2 inches from the center of the front hanger bolt hole.