Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?


That's a sweet truck,and no, your posterior looks fine.
I like the blacked out look. My truck is dark blue metallic, with blacked out handles and mirrors,but chrome bumpers and rims, both need to go

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lol you guys. I wanted them to throw in the cost of putting in a sun roof. They wouldn't, so I walked. But sitting here regretting it ��


That truck definitely looks ************!

Here's an article you should read, re: ram 6.4 Hemi:

Yeah, it's a bigger truck, bigger camper, but a point of reference for you - and I would say, a pretty good choice overall.

In case you don't already have Ram keys, to answer your F250 question from a few posts ago: more like 12-13.5mpg (I could dream of getting 14 unloaded going downhill, maybe). BUT, mine is the older 5.4L with just the 5-sp transmission. The new Ford 6.2L has a 6-sp and I hear does a little better, which is pretty darn good for an HD truck.


I would not want an aftermarket sunroof, do you really want some hack taking a sawzall to the roof? Stock ones have enough issues

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Yeah, but to feel the indirect breeze while driving is a plus. And, I intend to use this truck for other purposes. I've only owned 2 other cars in my life. One was a convertible, and my current one has a sunroof. Without it, I'd feel like I was driving a coffin :)


Doctorit: I still didn't buy. The article is scary, but, I'm a software developer and I know what crappy code is out there. I wouldn't put faith in either of the read outs: car or fuelly. Also, they have a 3500 and were pushing their max payload. I heed the warning and still haven't written off ford, but that aluminum scares me. And so did the article stating the f250 sagged at 1000 pounds. I also didn't like the way it corners. The lariat, however did have a sunroof and I do love the 360 cameras. But the body style of the ram, and the other features are still drawing me. I think the sad reality is that no big-*** truck is going to please us at the fuel pump. As much as I love my 4-runner, I feel I'm personally contributing to the deterioration of the ozone layer in a big way.


That's funny, the aluminum scares you, and I can't wait for the Super Duty to be aluminum! BTW, I'm a mechanical engineer and I think it's hilarious that people are worried about aluminum trucks. I like to point out that big trucks have had aluminum bodies for decades, and let's not even talk about airplanes. But I digress, that's another debate.

I bought my older 2010 F250 this year specifically to save a little cash so I can upgrade to a 2017, when they transfer all the aluminum tech up from the F150. But anyway, that Ram is arguably a better truck than the current Ford HD, a nearly 20 year old chassis and basic design. Just do it! ;)


I called the dealership and my guy wasn't there. I probably would have bought it over the phone. I believe in signs, and while I was there, a song I never heard before came on. The words were "go big or go home." Part of what spurred this whole thing (camper/truck purchase) is last year, my ex suddenly died. I took it very badly and am in a kinda mortality meltdown, thinking that I better start living a little harder. Cramming more into it. Kevin was very frugal. The only thing he ever went all out on was having a delapitated old mustang restored at Mustang restorations in east Dundee. He drove it twice, then put it in the garage where it remains today. He never really had fun in it. It's so sad. Some of the other words to the song: "I'm thinking life's too short, it's passing by, so if I'm gonna go at all, go big or go home." I believe Kevin was sending me a message, a kind of nod of approval. Even the sales guy had to rub away goosebumps.


fyi, i have 2500 laramie WITH sunroof and a FWC, not sure how the overhang compares to a TC650, but sunroof is not blocked and functions perfectly. its close on the pop up vent mode though, im trying to not use that function. dont think it would hit when the camper flexes, but rather not find out. heated seats were wifes #1 priority, sunroof was up there on my list bout "could" have lived with out, glad im not. i originally went after a big horn or outdoorsman, glad i got the laramie (truthfully i started with power wagon, but no cargo capacity killed that quick)


Tc650 will cover even a full crew cab roof, much bigger than a FWC. I have to admit, though, I love being able to open up the sunroof on the truck when the camper isn't there. Just get it from the factory - please don't let some guy at a dealership cut open a brand new truck!

Go big!

And, what a gorgeous Mustang!

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