Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?


Yes, I see your points. The guy I was trying to talk to today was so busy interrupting me he still doesn't know what I'm looking for (and I had already sent him an email with link to the guide and specific questions). Scary how people keep their jobs. If you need more than the keys to test drive it, you're met with a deer-under-headlights look.


Minor update. Ram admitted there are mistakes in the truck camper guide. Doubtful 2500 will do it. Probably have to go to 3500 or re-think cab size :(. Really don't want a small crew cab and be squished in with two dogs who won't be able to lie down while traveling unless in camper (not recommended).


If by small crew cab you mean a regular size crew cab, it's pretty big in the back, lots bigger than the 10' Ram I had

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A gal who has been reading your posts. Great job of checking out the details and making sure that you get what you want and need. We have a Ford F-250 with long bed and extended (not crew cab). We haul a camper probably close to yours in weight or maybe heavier? Anyway, we are larger people than you and also have a big Standard Poodle and a Pudelpointer who, together weigh 120 pounds. They travel with us on our adventures and are comfortable in the rear seat. They also sleep with us in the camper bed (a larger than queen size). I hope you find your dream machine. And, happy trails when you do.


A known ram guy who hauls a trailer 14hrs a day recomened 1 1/2in Timbrens to supplement the suspension but admits the trucks will handle the weight just fine over the passses of colorado where his route is!


Great thread - Thanks for starting it - I am in the similar situation, I have a TC650 and had it on an F150 with air bags. The F150 worked but it was overwhelmed at times.

Now I am looking at a Ram 2500, 5.7 Hemi, Crew Cab, 4*4, probably leather. One thing I noticed when testing a few 2500s (and having put a lot of miles on a variety of other vehicles) is the ones that did not have electric adjusting seats were out of the question for me. To be able to move the seat up and down depending on the terrain (interstate vs backroad) I will "always" adjust the seat to reflect the driving position I prefer for each circumstance.

I don't have any experience/knowledge with the adjustable foot pedal feature on these trucks, but figure that would be icing on the cake to have this feature as well.

Good luck with the search cninghm.


Yes, doctor it and sales. No one knows anything. I'm probably going with the 3500��. Wondering how bad difference in mpg between 2500 and 3500.
Soyboy, thanks for advice on power seats.


Negligible. If my current pre-owned F250 (too clean to pass up on the savings) hadn't shown up on the lot the day it did, I was going to order a new 1-ton.

Honestly, I have yet to figure out why one would order a new 3/4-ton over a 1-ton. Price difference is minor, size is identical, in these modern hd's ride is the same, efficiency definitely negligible...


Unless something changed in the last couple years, the 2500 and 3500 are the exact same truck with very minor differences in the springs, I doubt you would see any difference in mpg for a given engine and gear ratios'

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Care to elaborate? You can order a 3500 with higher gears and the Aisin tranny, but what's the difference in brakes and axles?

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