Team Equipt's "Expedition Mundo Maya"
I have a little unexpected time today to post some more of our trip. We had to stop into Palenque to get both of our dogs feet looked at. It appears that both Dezi (11 year old lab) and Jackson (5 year old border collie) were bitten by something in the grass at Laguna Bacalar. The vet doesn't think that it was a spider or scorpion, but a small type of rodent maybe??? Anyways not good and they are both being treated now. It's funny that we always end up needing a vet while in Mexico and they always seem to be very pretty and well trained in their field
After Bacalar we decided to go and visit several more Mayan Ruins in the Yucatan. Up to this our total ruins visited on this trip was 9. We could've ran this number way by visiting very minor structures with little or no information, but we all agreed that we wouldn't participate in "Ruin Bagging!" So we set our sails for the Tulum Ruins and what would come to be a disney like atmosphere, not recommended!!! We got there early, but since they are so close to town so did all the other thousands of visitors. I've never seen so many guys walking around with no shirts on and the girls were all in bikinis. Now I love a girl in a skimpy swimsuit, but come on.........
The only possible shot to make this place look cool and not visited. I do love this coast line!
The other view is like shooting an MTV pool party! Seriously....
Trying to isolate the ruins here and keep the thousands of visitors out of the pic is very hard to do!
The ruins at Tulum are somewhat impressive and the fact that they are right on the beach is really cool. The story goes that they were built on the beach to help boats navigate the reef. The boats would line up with the lights that appeared in the towers and would navigate the reef without harm.
This guy had it going on and posed for my camera before calling for an Iguana Union Break.
Lots of stories behind these prints....
Upside down baby, this was seen lots of places and I assume that it had to do with birth.
These guys were everywhere around the ruins.
A vertical of the above image.
In all really cool ruins with way too many people!!!
The dogs are back and have been treated so off to San Cristobal De Las Casas via a really cool off-road route thru the mountains.