Tesla Cybertruck: The Future?


Well-known member
So, you claim bias for those who refuse what you state is genuine criticism. But then in the same sentence you use charged language, and frame musk as a grifter, authoritarian mass murder, and then go on to call the products bogus?

Do you even understand what a good faith argument is?

I welcome his point of view, and those of other like minded Muskateers ... in the notional Elon Musk Rage/Hate Thread.

Am I really going to have to start it, or will you guys build your own clubhouse?


Tossing ewoks on Titan
So, you claim bias for those who refuse what you state is genuine criticism. But then in the same sentence you use charged language, and frame musk as a grifter, authoritarian mass murder, and then go on to call the products bogus?

Do you even understand what a good faith argument is?

Can you understand the difference between a man, a product, and various claims? And the difference between the different criticisms of those things?


Engineer In Residence
You can try, but inevitably they won't be able to stay in the playground. For some reason these types of opinions get thrown around like so much crap at the fan.


Tesla could make a better Livewire than Harley.

I appreciated the casual "Oh yeah, we made an ATV too" during the reveal but I wonder how serious they are about. Like @shade said it really isn't much of a leap.


Also how does deleting the thread solve any of this? Then it just becomes a "what happened to the cybertruck thread" thread where we continue our extremely rational and well thought out discussion.


Engineer In Residence
I am following the electric compact motorcycles myself. If they make one under 200lbs, I could see it on a hitch rack with a charging cable. Plus tesla has industry beating battery costs, which would yield a pretty nice ATV or motorcycle. With a 10+ year battery life, no oil changes, winterizing, etc, thats a bonus for me.


Engineer In Residence
Despite the design aesthetic issues of the Telsa Truck, I liked the utilitarian approach. I want vehicles that will look good and run well at 15 years and 300k miles. But of course I am in a minority, with most Americans wanting something new every 5 years or so.


Well-known member
Tesla could make a better Livewire than Harley.

I appreciated the casual "Oh yeah, we made an ATV too" during the reveal but I wonder how serious they are about. Like @shade said it really isn't much of a leap.
Livewire - lol. I'd rather have an Alta I can't find parts for than one of those ... things.

Heck, Tesla could probably buy a mainstream ATV, gut the ICE parts, and electrify it for a decent first gen ATV. It worked for their first car.


Did you watch the whole Cybertruck reveal? They have already built an ATV. Prototype I am sure because its angular structure would never pass crash tests...

I would love to know how serious they are about it though. Given that they made a flamethower, I am not sure if its a legit product or just something to fill time.


Well-known member
I am following the electric compact motorcycles myself. If they make one under 200lbs, I could see it on a hitch rack with a charging cable. Plus tesla has industry beating battery costs, which would yield a pretty nice ATV or motorcycle. With a 10+ year battery life, no oil changes, winterizing, etc, thats a bonus for me.
The Zero FX looks pretty good, but still in the 250-290 lb range. Without getting exotic or dropping specs significantly, I'm not sure sub-200 is going to happen in the near future.

But if anyone can do it, it'll be my Main Man Musk!


Well-known member
It is valid to question whether the product being discussed is even a real product. Notably the semi truck is still nowhere to be seen and that concept had fewer holes in it than this one.

Away from civilization people die if their equipment is bogus. We can't have bogus products in this lifestyle.

Again, calling famous bad guys on their trash is how we clean up the trash in this world. Praising a grifter as an agent of change is difficult to discern morally from saying Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Is your blinding disdain physically painful?


Well-known member
Did you watch the whole Cybertruck reveal? They have already built an ATV. Prototype I am sure because its angular structure would never pass crash tests...

I would love to know how serious they are about it though. Given that they made a flamethower, I am not sure if its a legit product or just something to fill time.
Yeah, I know about that. I was talking about an actual production model being FrankenMusked out of a Honda and some spare CybrTruk bits.


Active member
Also how does deleting the thread solve any of this? Then it just becomes a "what happened to the cybertruck thread" thread where we continue our extremely rational and well thought out discussion.

Well, I think a lot less of the community on here then I did before I posted this for one. Chromed-out, coal-rolling, dumb hick mobiles blocking charging stations are coming to mind for the first time, lol. I'll keep it around for its comic value and the handful of good analysis peppered in this stratified ********. As neither fanboy nor hater, the future will play this out regardless.


Well-known member
Despite the design aesthetic issues of the Telsa Truck, I liked the utilitarian approach. I want vehicles that will look good and run well at 15 years and 300k miles. But of course I am in a minority, with most Americans wanting something new every 5 years or so.
Commie ... or should I say ... Muskie!

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