Pulled the ceiling pads to remove the grab bars and find the spots for front and rear Fantastic Fans. The Mrs. Nearly lost it when the last pad came down due to a squashed mouse almost falling on her head! I was cracking up!!!!
likely we'll be running a simple propane double burner camp stove. what's behind it. ( it was bumped out 3in from the wall for clearance for oxygen lines and whatnot) We may be adding a small pop out window here also, but we'll see.
Notice the small door on the right, it's a pass through to the front oxygen tank compartment. I'll be mounting the propane tanks there which will allow us to turn the tank on and off from the inside.
From my experience I would take a lot of time thinking of cutting any holes in her, using the better Fantastic Fan one is more than enough, I'd place it as far away from the sleeping area as I could than I'd look at a covered air intake at the sleeping area to bring in the fresh air, maybe just simple screens, than before I would enter the thought of fan placement I'd need to outline what that roof will be used for [racks, solar, kayaki, solar water heater on and on] it's hard to go back. The more openings such as window the greater amount of road noise, wind, water leaks proceed with care and a lot of thought. On the propane, I'd study quick connects and have the stove portable for both outside and in, very little in cost. The mouse, hey brings us back into nature and a little spark to share.
Enjoy the build I'll tag along.