The DeTour Trip Report - As Told by Blackdawg


Dr. Frankenstein
The next chain of events was..well..funny.

Im not entirely sure how it happened but this the best way I remember it.

Ben had asked me a question and was 2nd in line behind me. I had run out ahead a bit more than he was as I drive faster generally. We had gotten just to Shell Creek which is where the wilderness boundary is.

I don’t remember what the question was. But I was answering it over the CB not really paying attention to what the hell was going on. Im in Frankenstein..this trail is chill for me, I am indestructable.

A though process that constantly bites me in the ass.

Well mid way through my chat with Ben. The road seemed to just disapear.

“WHAT THE ******** MONTE! OH GOD!” Screamed Devin as the front of the truck tipped over into the river.

Everyone heard this of course as I had the CB mike button down. No doubt followed but the loud exhaust of Frankenstein being floored in reverse.

“...sigh…I’m coming” was all Ben said in a funest “here we go again” tone I’ve heard.

I shut the motor off as soon as I realized I was screwed and hoped I hadn’t hydrolocked anything. I mean..look at my view.

DeTour-74.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-75.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-76.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Of course, the view everyone else go was just flat out entertaining.

2017-09-23 - 00017 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00018 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00019 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00020 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Really though. It was hilarious. Mark could not stop laughing and I couldn’t stop really either.

IMG_0389 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0390 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Devin..was not impressed though and climbed out as soon as she could. I gave her the camera as we started the winching process.

DeTour-77.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0395 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-78.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0392 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

At first, we tried just one pull with just Ben’s rig.

DeTour-79.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

But Frankenstein was just too heavy and the hill too steep. Ben’s rig just slide towards Frank.

So then we lashed Dan’s rig to Ben’s.

2017-09-23 - 00022 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

But even that was not enough. So Glenn pulled up next to Ben and Mike attached his rig to Glenn’s while Glenn’s wich pulled from the second point on the rear bumper.

DeTour-80.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-81.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00023 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

IMG_0398 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
With some great coordination and teamwork, the 4 trucks easily pulled Frank out of the rive and was soon free!

DeTour-84.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-85.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-86.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

The lights were filled with water, but everything else seemed okay as Mark and I inspected the engine bay.

2017-09-23 - 00024 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-87.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-88.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

With Frank fired back up, I then showed Ben the correct not fall off a small cliff way to cross the river and he went first to free up space to let me back up.

DeTour-89.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-90.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-91.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

With everything done. I was glad nothing more serious had happened as no doubt Frank would have been buried in snow till spring. Grateful to be in good company and with a good scolding from Devin, we continued on.

IMG_0402 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0406 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0410 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-92.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0417 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0419 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

And almost as soon as we had started, stopped. A tree had fallen down and had been cut. But not wide enough for a truck. I jumped up and worked it over with the axle and we were quickly on our way again.

IMG_0428 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Then we hit our first bigger obstacle. It's a steep hill climb with a fun ledge on it with a very poorly placed rock that can hang you up bad. Line choice is key for smaller tires.

I climbed up no issues,big tires do help..

Next was Ben on 32s with no locker.

DeTour-93.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-94.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Ben struggled for a minute as I tried to get him over further. Finally he got out and looked at the line himself. Saw what I was trying to get him to do. Jumped back in and nailed it.

Dan saw this spot and decided he would take the bypass. This being by far the hardest trail he had done to date. As the trip would go one though, Dan would grow a lot and probably would have done this 5 days sure he will next time.

DeTour-95.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Then it was Derp’s turn. And he has no problems as he was on 35s as well.

DeTour-96.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3617 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0430 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-97.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-98.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-99.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Ben and I talking about the line

IMG_3623 by mike digirat, on Flickr

Then it was Glenn’s turn in the wide 3rd gen.

IMG_3624 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_0438 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-100.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00026 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00027 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Not sure if it was the longer wheel base..or width..or what. But Glen couldn’t keep the rig on the line and got hung up on the diff.

IMG_0443 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0447 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
No worries. He got the winch out and pulled himself over the rock with ease.

DeTour-101.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00028 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

IMG_0449 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0454 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Glenn over it was now Mikes turn. We all gathered to watch..

IMG_0455 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Mike generally listens to my as a spotter. But not always..

IMG_0458 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0461 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-102.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00029 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-103.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-104.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Alas, Mike fell victim to the rock as well.

IMG_0466 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0470 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

But a quick tug with the winch and he was free.

IMG_0473 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

DeTour-106.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00030 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

IMG_0478 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Ben..very smug to be be the guy with the smallest tires and no lockers to make it.

2017-09-23 - 00032 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

But now things were getting interesting. We were back in the trees and it was getting muddy with slick snow on it. Some spots were very slick. Frank didn’t want to go straight through this small cattle gaurd that was on a small hill.

IMG_0481 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
Then ben almost got caught it a weird situation due to lack of traction.

DeTour-107.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-108.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

But the next spot I was kind of worried about. It was a large slab or granite that was off camber. I was really concerned it would be covered in snow making it very dangerous to cross, especially as it was now snowing again on us. I’d voiced my concerns several times to the group over the radio and now it was hyped up..

Thankfully it was snow free.

However, everyone let the ******** fly about how “hard” and “dangerous” this spot was “going to be” haha

:luvya: screw you guys! I was CONCERNED! Haha

Either way, we all made it over easily. Made for some great photos.

IMG_0485 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

IMG_0489 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00033 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-109.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00034 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-110.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Weeee 3 wheelin!

DeTour-111.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_0491 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

We then got to a steep rocky hill climb. I started up like normal and hit a ledge hard and it killed Frank. Started back up and tried again only to stall a 2nd time.

“Well, I think only Mark and I might be able to take this line” I said over the radio.

“Ooo that bad huh? Hold on I want a photo.” replied Ben and he came running up from behind to snap photos.

I started up the ledge a 3rd time.


Something broke.

“WHOA WHOA WHOA!” yelled Ben.

IMG_0493 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

Well...thats….not right.

2017-09-23 - 00035 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00036 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

The Lower ball joint bolts had given out. Again.

IMG_0495 by Benjamin Springli, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00037 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

This was bad. First of all, I was parked on a steep slick hill. At least two of the bolts had snapped meaning I would HAVE to extract at least one with any hopes of getting 3 bolts back in to get me home.

Unfortunately..I knew 3 was enough from previous experience..

But could I make that happen. Could I make it happen before we got snowed in with several hill climbs left? The snow was starting to come down hard. So it was either fix it. Or leave Frankenstein here, potentially until spring..for the second time today, the thought of potentially leaving my rig on the mountain was in my head.

Lucky for me, I had freinds a plenty to go around. Mark got out his tools, his impact gun proved exceptionally helpful. Dan gave me a Hi lift.

2017-09-23 - 00038 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

It didn’t take me long to break everything down and assess the damage.

2017-09-23 - 00039 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

I needed another LBJ which I had in my truck. I crawled in the back and started moving gear around to get the the OSK(Oh ******** kit). The truck started to slip.

We quickly got the winch line spooled out and attached to keep Frank from rolling backwards.

DeTour-112.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00040 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
By now the snow was really starting to come down.

DeTour-113.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

A new LBJ. Not even a year all. The bolts had ripped out the alignment pins. It was junk now.

2017-09-23 - 00041 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Ben graciously gave me one of his spare LBJs and I set about trying to get 3 bolts in.

I could not get one started for the life of me.

2017-09-23 - 00043 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

The snow was really coming down. Temperature was dropping fast and I was cold wet and pissed off.

Not even the umbrella could cheer me up. Did keep me a bit more dry though.

2017-09-23 - 00044 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Frustrated, I grabbed the impact. Slapped in on the bolt, and let it rip.

It went in. Probably never coming out too.

With all Franks wheels bolted back together..more or less. We started packing up tools. Mark had had the situational awareness to crack open his grill...and feed everyone hot dogs.

“Can’t rescue trucks in the winter without food man!” Mark said cheerfully.

I for one, hands frozen, tired and mad at Frankenstein was VERY Grateful for the hot food.

“Lets get the hell out of here” Mike said.

Easier said than done. We were clumped up good and there had been a small narrow spot for people to make there were up here. Ben would have to go around to the bypass first. Whiched proved to be very tricky at first as it was steep and slick. With a redirect to a different path, everyone made it around fine.

Mark, not wanting to let the incident dampen the wheeling move, too the hard line and had no issues.

From there we took off, eager to get out of the snow and out of potential trouble. The word “Moab” was beginning to be thrown around a lot as we made our way up the moutain

2017-09-23 - 00045 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-114.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

With hardly a stop on the way out, we bombed out of the backcountry through more mud slogged road and to the highway.

We were sick of the rain. Sick of the snow. Sick of the freaking mud. Sick of the weather.

It was decided to just go back to Powell, for the second time in only 3 days. We wanted warmer weather, drier..everything. And had had our fill of the mud.

We aired up. All a bit bummed.

DeTour-115.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00047 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Frankenstein wasn’t happy with this idea. And threw one last fit and woudln’t start. Jumping didn’t seem to help.

2017-09-23 - 00048 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

Then, for some reason, fired up.

“Gotta say. I have to come back,” said Ben, “you can really tell it would be beautiful here”.

It is. Another time perhaps.

Defeated turned tail down the mountain. Stopped in Greybull to wash off the trucks AGAIN. Called my Dad to say we were coming to eat dinner at the bewery.

We me met him and the FRV late in Powell. We were the last folks to sit down there and grateful the kitchen was still open.

2017-09-23 - 00049 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-23 - 00050 - The De-Tour - Day 07 by Dan, on Flickr

I dropped devin off at the house and she immediately went to shower and get warm in bed.

Everyone had already told the tails to my Dad when I got there but I certainly helped tell them again.

“I freaking told you that was gonna happen!” he said, “what did you think the weather man was gonna be wrong?” he laughed.

That word Moab came up again.

It sounded nice. Warm. Sunny. Cozy even..

And with that. The Tour was over. It was now the DeTour, to Moab.

We didn’t know where we were going, but we knew it was south and it was going to be in Moab somewhere. Anywhere that wasn’t snow covered and muddy. We were fuckin done with that ********.

Loose plan in order. We ate our burgers. Chatted some more. Then headed back to the house were most gathered in my Dad’s shop to **************** somemore while watching me unload Frankenstein and swap the RTT over to Igor my daily driver double cab late into the night.

Sometimes it pays off to own two tacomas..

To be Continued:

Chapter 7: Not out of the snow yet.

Enjoying the De-Tour story? There's more - @turbodb also wrote up a version. Check out his version of this chapter here:

Read the full story:
As told by @turbodb: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6]

As told by @Blackdawg: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6]

big a

I love your trip reports! I can only imagine the frustrations you felt along the first part of this journey :mad: I've been there too, so I love the fact that none of y'all threw in the towel and you just kept blazing trail!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!



Dr. Frankenstein
I love your trip reports! I can only imagine the frustrations you felt along the first part of this journey :mad: I've been there too, so I love the fact that none of y'all threw in the towel and you just kept blazing trail!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!


Thank you for reading!

It was frustrating indeed. But also awesome. Its still fun no matter what. But after a while..definitely wears on you.

Next chapter coming soon!


Dr. Frankenstein

Chapter 7: Not out of the Snow Yet

The next morning was very different. Ben and Kirsten had to return to work and Glenn also had prior engagements. Both rigs setup in the morning.

That left 4 rigs and we all kind of had a nice morning. We all had showered, no snow, no rain, sun was out. Powell was like a small paradise for us.

We did want to keep going though, but south. Likely to Moab though no real plan was set for that. Since the route I’d planned slowly went south anyways, we all decided to to stop at Kirwin, an old abandoned mining town in Wyo.

I was pretty tired from getting the 2nd truck ready the night before. But at the same time, we all felt renewed and ready for good things.

We had a bit of highway to get to Meeteetse and then quite aways till the forest line. The valley up the Wood River is nice though full of ranches. Including..

IMG_3628 by mike digirat, on Flickr

The buffalo!

Farm raised. But still cool to see.

We soon were on dirt but the road was smooth and with our rather lazy morning we were running late and didn’t stop for a while until the road got uncomfortable. We pulled off to the old abandoned Double D dude ranch to check out the cabin. Alas..we were back in the snow too.

2017-09-24 - 00002 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-2.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

It was snowing, shocker i know, which was mostly sad as the massive 10,000 and 11,000 foot peaks around us were all hidden in clouds. The large valley was mostly in fog as well.

DeTour.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00003 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

The building is shuttered up and has been slowly restored throughout the years. Lot of history in this valley the locals are proud of. Amelia Earhart came here once and asked for a cabin to be built nearby, she disappeared before it was finished though.

2017-09-24 - 00004 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00005 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

The snow was not something Mike wanted a part of a pushed us onwards though to keep us moving.

The Wood River crossing can be impossible in the spring and the road changes every time as well. This time of year it was just a trickle though.

IMG_3629 by mike digirat, on Flickr

DeTour-3.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

The trees still had most their leaves as fall had been in full swing. Signaling how early this snow front was this year.

2017-09-24 - 00006 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

The road, not really trail, is super cool for a lot of reasons but one that I find fascinating is how high it is without seeming like it. You just slowly climb up and up.

2017-09-24 - 00007 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

IMG_3631 by mike digirat, on Flickr

Finally though, the trees opened up and Kirwin revealed itself.

DeTour-4.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3634 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3635 by mike digirat, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00008 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-5.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00009 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
The closer you get the more buildings seem to pop out.

DeTour-6.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-7.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00010 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00011 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

IMG_3636 by mike digirat, on Flickr

We pulled into the parking lot, which at one point I had hoped to camp in for the night.

DeTour-8.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

IMG_3641 by mike digirat, on Flickr

IMG_3642 by mike digirat, on Flickr

It was cold though. We were at 9200 feet elevation or so right next to the wilderness boundary. It was snowing and very overcast. There was no way were were staying here. Instead we decided to go look in the town and then find somewhere else to camp.

Kirwin is a cool town, the valley seems like the perfect place to live, but was too brutal in the winter and everyone left the town after an avalanche killed several people and destroyed structures.

IMG_3638 by mike digirat, on Flickr

The small group of us crossed the river and headed in to check out some of the buildings left standing.

2017-09-24 - 00012 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-9.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00013 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00014 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-10.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Though the town had early beginnings, in the 60s a mining company tried revamping things. Unsuccessfully granted, but the retrofitted cabins with electricity and other things was interesting.

DeTour-11.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00015 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00016 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-12.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-13.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-14.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr


Dr. Frankenstein
The snow was coming down and we were cold but pushed on to the big building with what was left of a lift. Stopping at some of the smaller ones to get out of the cold wind.

DeTour-15.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-16.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-17.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-18.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Then to the “main feature”.

DeTour-19.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00017 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-20.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Some sort of lift mechnisim to haul up the gold everyone was after but never found.

2017-09-24 - 00018 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

2017-09-24 - 00019 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

DeTour-23.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

DeTour-22.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Not even mighty Derp could get it to work again :laugh:

DeTour-21.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

We stood in the cabin for a bit as it was kind of warm compared to outside. But realized we had to get going again.

2017-09-24 - 00020 - The De-Tour - Day 08 by Dan, on Flickr

We walked back to the truck and got back in them quickly glad for heaters and started back down the mountain.

DeTour-24.jpg by Monte Nickles Photos, on Flickr

Not sure where we were going though. As we made our way back down through the snow and mud, it was agreed unanimously that no place here would work. We did not want to be in the cold and wet anymore.

But I didn’t have any ideas on where to go. Just have to wing it. Aired up our tires and got back on the highway headed south as the sun disappeared.

Devin got on the cellphone, which proved to be tricky as service was quite spotty, and googl-fooed up some place just north of Thermopolis.


Apparently another abandoned mining town. Sounded cool. Let do it. Was a long ways to go though with another hour of driving in the dark. Eventually we made it...somewhere. It was still very muddy, but wasn’t as cold as least. Confused on where we were and what the hell we were looking for we fanned out just to find a place with enough flat space to park our trucks. Mike was the first to find a spot that also wasn’t super muddy. We took it. Tired of driving and ready for a campfire.

Which thankfully we could have in Wyoming.

It had been a shorter day and mostly highway miles, but we stil had got to explore some cool stuff. And now we were somewhere new that...well we had no idea.

But it mattered little as we talked into the night enjoying the rain free fire and each others company.

To be Continued..

Chapter 8: A Plan at Last.

Enjoying the De-Tour story? There's more - @turbodb also wrote up a version. Check out his version of this chapter here:

Read the full story:
As told by @turbodb: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]

As told by @Blackdawg: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]

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