The Frankenstein Build: 1996 Tacoma Long Travel/Expo/Trail Rig


Haha yea. I mean the diodes make the wires one way streets basically. So it makes sense if they where power wires, but they are grounds. So idk why I did it.

Yes yes I know, I figured serve not to create problems with more power supplies for the same user :)

Ahahahah some times we do works, that a few seconds later we realize to be useless :victory:


Dr. Frankenstein
I removed the bumper and it was quickly obvious what was bent. Not much, but enough. the 3/16'' mounting plate but only the outsides.

Quick whack with a 10lb sledge and they popped back into place.

Then i took some 1/4'' boiler plate steel we had lying around and using an acetylene torch, cut out some rectangles.

Then drilled some holes, damn this took effort. Stuff is HARD

Where the plates are going.

And burned them in!

Beef mounts now! Never have had an issue now.

Back on and straight!



Dr. Frankenstein
Then i added my front skid. It had a LOT of issues though. Had to do some trimming

Then the design was too short so i added about 4'' too it.

I hated how big the oil drain hole was. So i totally filled it, once again cutting with the torch.

For the backwards TRD. I just plated over it with 3/16'' cause thats what i had. Made it a bit heavy.

Did a "whiskey" bend on the end.



Dr. Frankenstein
Scored some new OEM CVs for 60 bucks at the local junk yard to replace mine has both had blown boots. Was going to reboot them later.

Cut and made a plate for my swingout latch. This is a terrible design. Just have never gotten around to cleaning it up with a better one.

Then i went off to Alaska for the summer to work in the oil field. Knowing I had to finish my rear bumper and my clutch needed replaced.


Dr. Frankenstein
When i got home with a pocket full of money i had only about a week and a half to finish Frank to get ready for The Epic. A two week trip my buddies and I had been planning for 8 months.

I got a Trail Gear ceramic clutch kit, mounted Ian the Moose(actually my dad did, was hilarious), and said hello to Frank. Then added the new CV axles and added my table and locking latch to the bumper.

I also wanted to clean up some wiring so tore some of it out in the back. ee gods!

much better.

Also moved my rear 6x9s up on some wood pedestals i made.

Made myself a portable shower from an old 5gal keg using my old tiny Viair compressor, checked my battery setup, and mounted the skid.



Dr. Frankenstein
For the clutch I took Frank to the big shop to drop the tranny. What a pain. Getting the top bell housing bolt was not fun. Figured out a way though. The wire loom sucked too. Had Tim my good buddy that owns the shop help when we could. Of course after this, he bought a tranny jack haha

Clutch disk wasn't in terrible shape, but it was due. Got the fly wheel resurfaced too.

After this was done, i went on The Epic. Long trip through wyoming and bit of MT and then down to Colorado to do the Alpine loop. There are literally about 7,000 photos of this trip. I never did a full online write up on it, so maybe i will now. If i do, it'll be a while till i get to it. I did write articles on it for TCT but i didn't like how they turned out due to word count limits and such. So maybe i'll redo it if i have time.

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