How about a thread revilval?
Now that i can just copy and paste IMG code, this will go WAY faster and now i have motivation to do it since i won't have to rewrite and re link everything.
Here is some welding I missed early on. I fixed the tire mount to angle it up a bit and added my folding table and 90º latch. Id like to redo the latch to a smaller pin style later..
Ok here we go.
So first I did the tire mount. As you can see the tire leans back a bit. I didn't like that
So I made a cut as close as I could with a cut off wheel
Then took the BFH to it and whalla!
Seemed to level it out..
I still wanted it angled forward a bit tho
So..made another cut in the same spot..
And more BFH time!
And this is how the tire will sit now. I like it.
Welded up the cut. Mark..are you taking notes?? This is how you weld
Next I did the part for the hole for my lock pin. I fabbed up this piece before I left out of boiler 1/4" plate with the cutting torch. Time to weld it on!
Tached on
Welded on!
Again mark..taking notes still?
Welded on the lock pin.
Drilled a 1/2" hole for the pin. Had to file it a tad bigger
And this is how the swing out sits when the pin is down and locked
And now the Jerry can mount! I started by making a box 14x7" out of 1.25" strap
Mark..again...keep those notes going..
Then I ended cutting it on the 7" side to weld to the sides of the side posts I had to allow it to be just over 8" wide. Why? Well my Jerry can had expanded from being in the sun and filled with gas. So I needed it wider then my original dimensions. It's no big deal as it fits perfect and the lower part holds it very tight as it is.