All this has been studied in depth, so there's really no need to speculate - a few good things to know:
Red vs Amber:
• Red light has the longest wave length so of all the colors is least likely to scatter in fog or dust; i.e., it will be visible for the farthest distance and will be the clearest regardless of distance.
• Red light is the least likely color to produce glare or be blinding to other drivers.
• Studies have shown that psychologically, people see amber lights as "somewhat hazardous", while Red lights are seen as "extremely hazardous".
• Similar studies have shown that people are much more likely to slow for a Red light vs Amber. (Blue works best, actually, since people instinctively don't want to get a ticket, lol)
• People also have come to associate Red lights with vehicles that are stationary, slowing or moving the same direction as they are, while Amber lights are ambiguous in that regard.
Strobe vs Solid:
• Strobe lights attract the most attention, but give very poor indication of distance and direction.
• The old style rotating lights actually do a decent job of indicating distance and direction.
• The multiple light light-bar type warning lights are associated with moving vehicles and so work poorly with stationary vehicles; i.e., if they're stationary people will make very late decisions on braking or avoiding when they approach them.
• Combination solid plus strobe, or rotating plus strobe seems to work best for attracting attention while also giving info on distance and direction.
So, Red is best for multiple reasons. Strobes are out, unless you combine them with a solid light - it's important in this regard that the strobe doesn't "overwhelm" the solid light; i.e, don't go crazy with the brightness or strobe effects since it can be dazzling and disorienting and that's not what you want to do to the guy in the three ton truck who's trying to pass you in a dust cloud. In fact, one assumes that the driver behind doesn't really need his attention grabbed - he should be well aware that there's a vehicle in that dust cloud somewhere and what he really wants is to know where it is and how fast it's moving.
For me then, I'd go with a single solid red light with no strobe. Two would probably provide better info on speed and direction as well as be more visible, but two could also be confused with brake lights or make my brake lights less conspicuous in contrast. In addition to the above, as a bonus I can use it on the highway as a rain or fog light. I'm a bit on the fence over a strobe, but at the end of the day I'd rather the approaching driver have his attention fully on what he's doing without having my strobe light constantly distracting him. For dense fog, on the other hand, I can see where a simple strobe might help, especially if you're moving very slowly relative to other traffic.