Old Kelly Dam Rd was just like the roads we had been on for the better part of the day except... worse. The potholes were huge and everywhere. We had to slow it down (to 50

) to keep from bouncing all over the place. Josh and I both had about 30 psi in the tires, we worried about going lower because of the speeds we reached at points. Cornering at speed while loaded was also a concern.
We still drove hard, before we knew it we reached a gate (light?) house.
The gatehouse was unmanned, inside there was a phone and transmitter, all solar powered. This was it, the entrance to the North Maine Woods! We were required to call and ask permission to enter. It had been cloudy for days, and the phone didn’t work.
Big surprise. We filled out the requisite paperwork, dropped it in the slot and took off again.
Not really knowing where I was leading us....
Our next destination was Pittston Farm - a campground, restaurant, and outpost on the banks of the Mighty.. small.. Branch Penobscot River.
To get there we had to exit the North Maine Woods where we learned our paperwork was all wrong (despite Kevin filling it out). The nice lady would fix our errors while we drove to the outpost, and have everything ready when we got back. She did concede that the paperwork was confusing.
Ate Erek’s Hair in One Bite
Ok, I lied. they did have fuel
Heading back into the North Maine Woods they wanted to know our destination, campsites, trip duration etc. I couldn’t tell them “no idea we don’t have a plan” so I made something up. We would stay at some (randomly picked) campsite because the other one was full for the Moose Hunt. We learned Moose season opened Monday. It was Saturday afternoon and I’m sure all the hunters were drunk already.
We drove back into the park not knowing our destination for the night....