The specs on a Defender say it's 70.5 inches wide. Two yards would be 72". So if that tunnel was "less than 2 yards wide" by even 2", then even your oh-so-slim-and-lightweight Defender wouldn't get through.
It was a tight fit. and frankly i didn't tell the other driver because i forgot, not because i wanted to be mean. My point is that if you drive something wider than 2 meters, you must be thinking about that..same goes for height...with a regular sized vehicle you know that if it is a road, then chances that you can drive it are very high..not so with a monster machine.
So apparently all of those large expensive machines that compete in the Dakar drive in the soft sand with the help of.......magic tires....????
The dakar trail isn't as soft as you think. i have driven the 2011 trail and most of it is hard pack. Furthermore, if you get stuck in the dakar it is not a serious problem as there is machines around to pull you out...not the case when you are traveling on expedition. Would you and your spouse like to spend 5 days stuck at 5000 meters altitude because your heavy machine broke through the crust of a wet road - i've seen this before.
To landy89, You are welcome here in my opinion - not that it may matter - but a different manner of describing your opinion may not have as inflammatory effect in a thread that is defined by larger vehicles (ER, GXV, Unicat, etc.). Your perspective with a lighter vehicle is relevant but not exclusive or objective. I personally would appreciate seeing less of the one-upmanship or condescending treatment of what others select as their method to find a trail to journey upon.
Sorry if i offended all you heavy machine owners and lovers. I was only trying to give you some real world information when these machines are put to use in the environment for which they are claimed to have been built. I know that few of you will think i am trying to be objective, but i am and i certainly had and do have the resources to drive any vehicle we are talking about...yet i chose a light machine....You are welcome to drive around south america for a few years and see what vehicles are being used and where..i have and i have talked to many of the overlanders and what i posted about these machines is commonly accepted knowledge. There is nothing wrong with driving these machines, as there is nothing wrong with a 2CV, but there are very big compromises to be aware of that only experience will teach you. drive what you want, i will always help you when you need help. I am trying to help you right now with just a little feedback from the field, and i apologize if it isn't what you expected.
as for my choice of a Defender, it comes with compromise as well. compromises that are fairly obvious in terms of indoor living space. All vehicles are compromises, and my point remains that the marketing claims of these heavy machines do not live up to reality and that there are very real compromises to be aware of with these heavy machines.
Oh, i forgot one other big compromise for the heavy MAN type vehicles: very limited contact with local population. These rigs are designed as metal armor bubbles to isolate the driver from the outside world and it works, only criminals feel it is ok to approach the vehicle. instead a small vehicle is open and easy for local to approach to talk to you.