Jonathan, you and Roseann deserve a huge hug and a bow of respect for all the behind the scenes hard work that went into this event.
Having attended the first event in Prescott and then Amado venue, I would say this year was everything Overland Expo is meant to be. Pine trees, green grass, mountains all around, the vendor area packed with new and interesting things along with old friends, and the campground of course just as cool as the show itself.
Big thanks from the disabled community for the camping area that was set aside. That made a big difference in fatigue levels even for me as an amputee much less the chair guys.
Vince the gentleman with the Mobility Works trike had never been to anything like the Overland Expo but you now have a very passionate convert
The only thing I heard from a number of people was that they went looking to buy more stuff and get some show specials. So much for a down economy
Plenty of small ticket items around, and I even bought gear like snatch straps, tire repair kits and of course 3 hydroflaks (thanks Zack & the Overland Gourment crew).
I can't wait to see how much it will grow for next year as word filters out about this spectacular event. Once the pics get around, the magazine articles are printed and the forums get searched I think you will need to plan on more day pass parking
Oh the other thought I had would be if next year a day pass person could pay for just the 1 or 3 classes/presentations they were interested instead of the entire Overland Experience package?
Again huge thanks for making this the event all of us had always dreamed it would be.