Part time fulltimer
Thanks for the replies, I will hope for the best but since I've already paid for camping would like to stay on site.
Thanks for the replies, I will hope for the best but since I've already paid for camping would like to stay on site.
Thank you, I will try it outsee if you can get a spot at Mile High Campground, you will not regret it...
Can I bring my dog(s)?Are dogs OK? :sombrero: See what I did there? :sombrero: It will just be me and my copilot Rudy this trip and she will stay at camp, but I did want to hear that word officially.
So, officially, I can't bring my car into the camping area. That's....a.....bummer
Also, I payed via Paypal and have no proof. I suppose I could print something off but I didn't see an option for that.