Appalachian Ridgerunner
How much rattle does the ball have with no wadding then? It must have some if any clogging can happen at all?
Theres no rattle, its an interference fit. The maxi ball fits snuggly enough enough to contain the intial explosion and the grease allows the ball to rammed down the barrel. You would almost have to have a chance to ram a ball down to understand, its hard to convey a tactile sensation through written words. The grooves of on a maxiball allow the ball to expand with the pressure of the charge and to be forced into the rifling of the barrel and thus fully containing the energy of the explosion. This is one reason a maxi ball travels farther and hits harder over the round ball, it is more forcefully pressed into the rifling of the bore than that of a round ball. This is also why a round ball tends to be a little more inaccurate at longer ranges, it isn't imparted with as much spin from the rifling as the others. The round ball engages the rifling after the charge goes off, the cotton patch partially burns away allowing the ball to expand into the rifling. The expansion of the projecticle into the rifling is why a rifle needs cleaned, its not so much the powder residue but the lead build up in the rifling when a shot is fired. The plastic sabot at the bottom of the power belt round is the expansion sealing part of that round yet it allows enough energy into the copper coated slug to firmly engage the rifling. The nice thing about the powerbelt is that since its cooper sheathed it does not foul the bore as much as a lead round. This allows you to shot two or three more rounds without cleaning if you must.
Although one big grain has more energy than one small one, small grains will be denser so you can get a bigger weight of small grains behind the ball, so I don't get that, and have no large tomatoes. I'll get some tomorrow to experiment
The potential energy in the larger grain powder is expotentially greater than a smaller grain so even if you have two charges that weigh the same and share the same volume the coarse grain will be more powerful. That's why cannons use even coarser powder than a shoulder fired arme.
Do all three in your pic use the same wadding, or no wadding with the plastic bits?
The round ball is used with a cotton patch, the maxiball uses no patch but is greased to ease the interference fit, the plastic is "smooth" enough to be rammed down the bore without needing to be greased and it deforms into the rifling to make the interference fit.