The Rig Runner ...a 2010 E350 5.4 DIY Coil Conversion


Well either way, the beauty of MGs kit is that it incorporates both the e350 specs and the F250 specs so you can find the info fairly easily. If you need any more torque specs or help just send me a PM and ill do what I can.


Village Idiot
What is the standard lift that the MG kit gives with stock f250 springs? Looking to shoe in 33"s.

I hope that wobble gets worked out. And I curious to hear what the fix was.

Good luck.


What is the standard lift that the MG kit gives with stock f250 springs? Looking to shoe in 33"s.

I hope that wobble gets worked out. And I curious to hear what the fix was.

Good luck.

The kit uses E-series springs, not F-series. There are several springs one could choose. I designed around the Moog CC880s but there are springs that are slightly shorter and slightly taller.


Some sort of lost...
Thank you Josh,
The hubs are new. The track bar is a new adjustable one from Chris. I'll review the torques. I torque them up as much as I could with a break bar. Now that you gave me the values I'll borrow a BA wrench to check.

The breaker bar isn't enough. The track bar NEEDS to be VERY tight. Get it properly torqued and make sure you haven't messed up the mounting holes from not having it tight enough.

No, I didn't received any kind of information. I know that U-joint is quite good helping customers, but I guess I was the one that fell between the cracks as I didn't get any torque specs or the template or directions to cut the cross member.

I didn't get any torque specs with my ujoint leaf spring setup either. I spent a lot of time chasing little things down and increasing torque before it drove like it should.


I think I got the cause of the problem. While going over all the bolts, not of them were off, the track bar/bracket bolt moved a little bit, but in general everything was quite tight. While at it, I found this:

I have not even gone through a full gas tank since the conversion. I've only heard good things about Fox Shocks so I guess it is just my luck.

Hopefully this is it and I'll not have to go through a million other options.


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I think I got the cause of the problem. While going over all the bolts, not of them were off, the track bar/bracket bolt moved a little bit, but in general everything was quite tight. While at it, I found this:

View attachment 418238

I have not even gone through a full gas tank since the conversion. I've only heard good things about Fox Shocks so I guess it is just my luck.

Hopefully this is it and I'll not have to go through a million other options.
How far did you go on that front axle? I notice you have the old style dust seal on the tube , and it's already broken, were the ball joints replaced?


I replaced the bearing assemblies. The ball joints seem to be in good shape as far as not showing any play when lifting the van or while driving. It's my understanding that the dust seals have a tendency to break and it is not worth the hassle to replace them unless you are rebuilding completely the axle. There was no sign of leaks so I just open the differential, visually inspected the gears and seal and replace fluids.


I replaced the bearing assemblies. The ball joints seem to be in good shape as far as not showing any play when lifting the van or while driving. It's my understanding that the dust seals have a tendency to break and it is not worth the hassle to replace them unless you are rebuilding completely the axle. There was no sign of leaks so I just open the differential, visually inspected the gears and seal and replace fluids.
get the updated seal next time you're in there. Completely redesigned. They press into the tube instead of the axle shaft and spin with the axle just like the inner oil seals.


Big thumbs up for Chris at U-joint offroad :clapsmile. I wrote him about my shock yesterday and today I got an e-mail from him confirming that a replacement is on its way:wings: and we will figure out later how to deal with Fox's warranty.

That made my day. I can not wait to install the new shock absorber and feel the van the way it is supposed to ride.


Well, shock was replaced and all nuts and bolts retorqued and I am happy to reports that it rides great. I haven’t done the alignment and it tracks very well. I do not plan to put steering stabilizer I do not think I need it.

On the interior department:
* carpet install: front seats, harbor freight neoprene mats and carpet. From behind the front seats all the way to the end, mat, plywood and carpet.
I am very pleased with the Lowe’s industrial carpet.


Next was the sleeping platform


I decided to give usage to the dead space between the beam on the platforms. The front platform host three removable plastic tubs. The rear one will have the tools. Between the platform, a foldable table will be the third platform.

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Well, first long trip. Finally I was able to use the van for its intended purposes. !,500 miles Houston to New Mexico and back. Very nice ride. I was afraid converting the van to 4x4 will sacrifice its road trip abilities, but I am glad to report that no so much. Of course you have a higher center of gravity, but in general it doesn't give up much.
Since last update I have done:

  • Trim the bumper: they looked too much and I had to remove 100 lbs bumper to change light bulbs.
  • Add LED lamps to the headlights. HIDs were acting up. I like the LEDs. Brighter than halogens and no warm up time. high beams not great, but I have the LED bar
  • Wired and connect the LED bar.
  • Finish the carpeting
  • Sleeping platform completed, including folding table and tool box build into the last section (picture on previous update.
  • Kenwood touch screen head unit

Still need to do the headliner and complete the rear driver side trim. Later on will work on the house batteries, electric wiring of the back, fridge, microwave and later later, solar panels.

We also did some light off-roading on a forest road near Angel fire. Nothing technical but I started 2x4 and reached a point where it was sliding sideways, shifT to to 4x4 and off we went without hesitation .

First snow and my daughter testing the toughness of the paint.
Trail riding. At last!
The wife and the van.

I like how it looks now with the trimmed bumper. I may be getting used to it, but it seems that the springs have yield some and the wheels do not seem that off000IMG_2004.jpg000IMG_7037.jpg000IMG_7030.jpg
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Awesome to hear you got to go out and enjoy it!

I also really like that front bumper since you trimmed it.


Not a lot to report. On Black Friday I got me a new Kenwood head unit with touch screen, bluetooth, etc. It has Aux in and USB input for iPhone. instead of having the cable dangling, I got a USB aux socket installed on the place where the original aux -in used to be. Underneath a double USB/ volt meter. Once I have house batteries, those USB charging points and the volt meter will be connected to them.

On the inside, not much. I decided to block the rear windows and get rid of the window trims. This will give a few inches across, allowing us to sleep east-west. Using cedar planks, lets see how long it takes for the smell to tone down. I'll build overhead cabinets on the walls, taking care of the wall to roof transition.


On the outside. I like the Bushwaker flares, but I have a hard time justifying the cost. I had the Flexiflares (city bus flares) on my previous van and I like them so I use them again.


Only half of the large window is blocked. This picture was taken before the trimming.
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Just a few detail pictures of the Flexy flares as I was asked about them.

If you try to follow the fender profile as it curves inward, it will create a weird kink. I followed the mud guard profile.
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